"When it snows, she has no fear for her household; for all of them are clothed in scarlet... She is clothed in fine linen and purple."
~ Proverbs 31:21-22
When I first became a wife and mother, I took no interest in looking my best at home.
Why should I? I reasoned. No one sees me!
When I would be out shopping, I only wanted to spend money on clothing that I could wear out in the world, because I didn't think that what I wore at home mattered. And when I would get ready for a day at home, I didn't want to waste my time, products, or nice clothes, so I would just scoop my (still damp) hair up into a clip, and put on a pair of old, faded sweat pants.
It wasn't until just somewhat recently that I began to question why I was doing this...
I spend most of my time at home... I thought to myself...
But I only look presentable when I go somewhere...
Home is the most important place!!!
I began to wonder what other stay-at-home mamas wore at home, so I decided to do a little research.
I couldn't find much for useful information on the topic!
Typing in 'what to wear at home' only resulted in advertisements for pajamas, and asking my friends, "What do you wear at home?" only resulted in laughs and confused looks!
There have been, however, research and writings done on the topic of dressing for success, but more for the workplace, not necessarily for at home.
Research shows that what we wear affects our mood and mental processes. So, why haven't I heard much about this concept being applied by mamas for life at home?
Well... today's post is my attempt to take matters into my own hands.
I am writing from the perspective of what I would have wanted and needed several years ago myself!
(But of course, please feel free to leave a comment if you have ideas to share!)
In my opinion, it all starts with a person's attitude!
Being able to enjoy winter at home requires a change of mind and heart. Don't think, I am cooped up in the house! Instead think, I am the Queen of my home, I get to be here and run it any way that I want! What a blessing! And instead of wishing for green grass and nature walks, decide that being cozy at home with a fire and some baking or reading to do is just as pleasurable!
The beautiful author Fiona Ferris in her book, How to be Chic in the Winter, writes, "We are going to get winter every year whether we like it or not- it's at least a quarter of our life. And that's a good thing. I always think it is better to see another winter than not, don't you? Please don't wish away the cold season, because that means you are wishing away your life. Why not enjoy yourself instead?"
Isn't that inspiring?!
Now that we've changed our attitude, we want our appearance to reflect it!
"What a traditional woman did that made her home warm and alive was not dusting and laundry. Her real secret was that she identified herself with her home."
~ Cheryl Mendelson, Home Comforts
I decided to begin this winter season with a handful of lovely sweaters and soft leggings meant to be worn at home.
I actually went out shopping to look for at-home clothing! (A much different approach to my usual shopping trips!)
I wanted my at-home clothes to be:
Soft and warm (because it's chilly!)
Comfortable and stretchy (because I deal with little kids all day!)
Reasonably priced (because I don't wish to be heartbroken if a little bleach spills on them!)
And... Pretty! (because I want to feel good about myself while I work around the house.)
This is an example of one of my at-home outfits...
I had Roman snap this picture of me about a month or so ago. (This topic's been on my mind to write about for a while!) But I've had my hair cut since then...
This photo was taken more recently...
I am hopeless when it comes to selfies, but another at-home outfit can be spotted here. I love this blush pink sweater. It's comfortable and I think it's beautiful.
I even purchased a nice warm pair of slippers for my at-home wardrobe...
They're soled, so when I put them on in the mornings it feels just like I'm getting dressed right down to my shoes.
"You act differently when you have clothes and shoes on. You are more professional."
~ FlyLady Marla Cilley
It feels good to finally take my role at home seriously in the way that I dress. I find that I work better and feel happier on my 'stay-at-home' days!
I have enjoyed my winter home clothing. I don't have much. Just several garments that I rotate and wear over and over. Like a uniform!
Here's another example...
For me, part of getting dressed every morning also includes hair and makeup. Some women can look adorable with no makeup and a messy bun. I have never been so fortunate.
If I am working on a task and I don't want to deal with hair in my eyes, I'll clip back my bang section, like this...
Some simple jewelry and a light spritz of perfume can take the doldrums out of any ordinary winter day and make your day feel special and dignified; like you're about to do something important... Because we are!!!
"You have the most important job in the world, raising productive adults."
~ FlyLady Marla Cilley
I realize as I write this, that we are in the middle of February, and most people by this point are over winter and anxious for spring!
Me too! Me too!!!
But the truth is, (for those of us northerners) we still have quite a long way to go before we can safely pack away our wool, boots, and furs.
Fiona Ferris, on creating a capsule wardrobe - "It does not matter if you are in the middle of a season, you can still look at what you have, see what your favorite outfits are, lay everything out on your bed and start counting your items... If it's in the middle of a season, this is almost a better time to start, because you have already had some experience with your clothes for that season, and you can see what you're enjoying wearing, and what you are bypassing."
I sure hope this encourages you!
A couple of summers ago I dropped in unexpectedly on a friend. I was in her neighborhood and decided to pay her a quick visit. I was so delighted to see her in a bright, floral skirt with a matching v-neck tee. She was also wearing little ballet flats... And she's a stay-at-home mom! I was so inspired by her at-home outfit! It communicated to me her outlook and attitude- that she was happy with her home life!
(Perhaps in a few months I'll write 'What to Wear at Home in the Summer'.)
"When we put on a piece of clothing we cannot help but adopt some of the characteristics associated with it, even if we are unaware of it."
~ Professor Karen Pine
Well friends, whatever you choose to wear at home, I hope it makes you feel like the Queen of your castle that I know you are!
Until next time...
~ Courtney ~