The following is meant to defend the modern day housewife. It is not intended to offend, only to make you think, and perhaps encourage the woman who has chosen to stay home.
Enough years have gone by since the first wave of feminism that we are now able to see the destruction it leaves in its wake. Yet it has engulfed our culture in such a way that most people aren't able or willing to think outside of the lies it has taught us.
There are a few beliefs I regularly hear from the feminist camp regarding why women feel they need to work.
You've probably heard them, too.
In today's post I'd like to list them, and then point out their glaring flaws. (Well, to me they're glaring. But I've noticed that I'm in the minority when it comes to these things. *sigh.... Nevertheless, here we go...)
This is a very popular one...
1. Independence
It is common to hear a feminist say these words, "I don't want to be dependent on a man."
This statement is so foolish because we are all dependent on each other. It is not a negative thing. But what these women are saying is that they don't want to be dependent on their husbands for their income. Yet when a person works, they are dependent on their employer. Feminists have no problem being dependent on their employer, who in a lot of cases, is a man.
I would rather be dependent on my husband, who loves me, than a boss who does not. I would rather be dependent on my husband, who has my and our family's best interest at heart, than a boss who only has his company's best interest at heart.
It isn't bad or wrong for a wife to depend on her husband to provide for her. It's a two-way street because the husband depends on his wife to care for his children and home.
"Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value." -Proverbs 31:11
(The photos in this post are of my gardens from summers' past...)
2. Significance
It is also common to hear a feminist say something along these lines, "I work to give my life worth and meaning."
Feminism has been successful in causing women to believe that they need to work to be considered valuable. But to work for a company is to spend your time and effort on someone else's dream and vision. There is also the belief that a woman is wasting her talents if she doesn't put them to use in out-of-the-home work. But there is no work more significant than pouring out your life for your family. When you spend your time and energy at home, using your talents and skills at home, you are investing in your own legacy. Is there any job/company/business more important than that?!
"Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her." -Proverbs 31:28
3. Purpose
I once heard a young woman say this, "I matter where I work, I am needed there."
Think about this... If you were to die or leave your home and marriage, it would cause tremendous trauma to your husband and children. Sure, your husband could marry again, but YOU cannot be replaced. That new woman can never be you to your children.
But if you were to leave your line of work, your position would be easily filled by someone else, and business would carry on as usual.
My point is, only YOU can be the wife and mother in your home!
So instead of the career woman saying, "I matter where I work, I am needed there." The truth is it would be far more accurate for the woman at home to say, "I matter where I work, I am needed there!"
"A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies." -Proverbs 31:10
4. Freedom
We've all heard this, haven't we? "I like the freedom that comes with having a job."
This one genuinely confuses me.
The housewife can begin her day at whatever time she desires. She can set her alarm for 6:00am or sleep in till 9:00. She can go about her work at the pace that suits her. She can organize her day's agenda according to her priorities and what she wishes to accomplish. She decides the rules and standards for her home. If it's a beautiful day and she feels like packing up the children and going on an outing, she is free to do so.
I don't know of an employer who would tolerate any of this.
I've never had a job in my life that has offered me the freedom that being a housewife has.
(Admittedly, since I am also a homeschool mom, we do have a formal curriculum we must follow daily. But there is freedom even in that!)
"Train the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the Word of God." -Titus 2:4-5
The bringing up of the next generation is noble work!
"As for her, like most women, she had but one ambition. To be a good wife and good mother, and to be beloved by her husband and children, was all she asked. She was a busy, affectionate, cheerful little housewife, whose voice would never be heard in the streets, but whose memory would always live in a few faithful hearts." - Elizabeth Prentiss
Mama's, be encouraged!
~ Courtney ~