"My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest." - Isaiah 32:18

Friday, March 22, 2019

I Sense Springtime

I just read a poem to my kids today titled,

I Sense Springtime

And I realized that was a pretty accurate depiction of what is really happening in our neck of the woods.

Nothing is green yet, but there's been a change in the air...

That winter bite is gone, and it's been staying lighter out later in the evenings.

As I sit here to write Micah is outside trimming our rose bushes, and I have the windows cracked...

I just adore watching the curtains sway in the breeze and hearing the birds chirping.

 I can also hear our chickens, who have been free ranging out in the yard every day since the weather turned. 

It sure is fun to listen to them and watch them through the windows.

In addition to our roosters and hens, we have also been experimenting with a batch of baby chicks.

They have been a lot of fun, and the kids just love taking care of them!

If you follow my blog, you'll know how the children and I enjoy searching through our collection of old books to find stories and illustrations that relate to whatever season we are experiencing...

(And we really do hear a lot of Peep! Peep! Peep! coming up from the basement! *smile )

I decided, with this sense of Springtime, that I was ready to pack away my winter decor.

I use pine, turkey feathers, red roses, and fur pillows in my cold weather decorating.

I put it all away and have been working on this...

The little white bunny was Elsa's idea, haha.

We just simply could not leave the store without buying her!

I've been enjoying how fresh and light my table looks!

Up in the front room I've packed away my reds, so now this room has a lighter feel, too.

Mainly just blues and whites for the spring and summer...

I replaced my winter red roses and pine with lavender and lambs' ear on the fireplace mantle...

I freshened up my kitchen arrangement with "springier" fruits and the same matching lavender...

And that, my friends, is the extent of my spring decorating.

Of course, when my flowers start to bloom I will bring in the clippings. But for now this will have to do. 

I sure hope you all are happy and well...

And enjoying a little Springtime wherever you are!


~ Courtney ~

Friday, March 15, 2019

Panes For My Windows

Is there anyone who lives in their dream home?

I mean the home that would meet all stipulations... all requirements... and satisfy every whim and fancy?

I'm sure there are some people living in their dream situation... The home, yard, and neighborhood could not be improved upon even if they were given the chance.

But, for the rest of us, we must make the most out of where we have found ourselves! 

My dream home would have 100-year old windows divided into small squares by white-painted panes.

Well, our old farmhouse did not come with paned windows, so I've had to create the look myself.

I found an on-line company years ago called NewPanes. They sell decorative panes for people like me!

I've been slowing working my way through the house, room by room, installing these in my windows.

I recently completed the windows in my family room and guest bedroom.

I love the result!

Here, let me show you...

(We had an unusually bright and sunny day around a week ago.)

Below is a photo from this past fall. It shows the window before the panes...

(And how green the yard once was! Haha)

I think the panes make a huge difference!...

(This was part-way through the project...)

I enjoy busying myself with interior projects like this during the long winter months.

It helps me take my mind off of the gloomy weather outside!

And as you can see from these pictures, Micah and the kids enjoy busying themselves with puzzles at our bird-watching table!

"The imagination needs moodling, long, inefficient happy idling, dawdling and puttering."
- Brenda Ueland

These panes are very easy to install.

Just measure and cut, then tape to the window!

(I have never made money from this blog. NewPanes is not paying me for this post. I just truly enjoy their product.)

What do you think?...

I should also point out, my curtains are hand-made. I made them this past fall and am just now showing you!

Almost everything in our home is handmade and homespun.

Micah and I enjoy working with our hands and making things. Plus we are not fancy people, so it's good enough for us.

So... if you can't find what you are looking for in the stores, or if what is in the stores isn't appealing to you, consider making it yourself!

The same thing goes for the panes... If your home didn't come with a feature you want, create the look yourself!

This was my guest room during the pane project...

I can't get over the difference it makes!

The guest room "after"...

Outside of puttering around with projects like this, we have been trying to enjoy the last few weeks of winter.

Drinking hot tea and eating fresh fruit everyday is something we've tried to prioritize...

As well as reading good books...

and getting out in the fresh air as often as possible.

Old-man winter sure is a stubborn, grumpy old thing. But that doesn't mean we can't still try to live well!

(Nola saying "good morning" to a visitor out our kitchen window...)

Well friends, I hope you are living well and enjoying winter.

Spring will be here before we know it!

See what we have to look forward to?!...

(My garden last May)

Take care sweet friends!


~ Courtney ~