"My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest." - Isaiah 32:18

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Staying When it's Hard

Some people have a niche.

A thing they identify with.

A thing that's their gig... or their jam, as the kids say.

The older I get and the more I experience life, the more I realize that I stay in hard things.

I haven't figured out if that's good or bad.

I just stay in hard things.

Even when it hurts me, I'll stay in it.

Even when it no longer makes sense, I'll stay in it.

Even when the people around me urge me to make a change and move on, I'll still stay in it.

There have been times over the years when I've wondered if I was doing the right thing.

So I would search out a truth-telling friend to give me some reassurance.

The problem is, we live in a culture that is saturated with selfish messages.

So often I was given feedback like,

Do what makes you happy...

Pursue your dreams...

You deserve better...

Cut off negative and toxic people from your life...


All of that sounds good, but there's a problem with it.

It is a "me-centered" attitude.

I suppose if one's highest ambition in life is happiness, then this would be good advice.

But once a person becomes a Christian, they are no longer living for themselves.

Each Christian is plucked out, set on a higher plane, and given Kingdom work to do.

They are noble assignments meant for the edification of other believers, and for the glory of God.

Once I had a handle of that concept, I was able to get my eyes off myself and see the bigger picture.

(This is probably the reason why I stay in hard things. I guess I assume that wherever I am is exactly where God wants me to be.)

So.... since a truth-telling friend has been difficult for me to find, I will preach to myself...

I will give myself the encouragement that I need.

Here it goes...


I am in a hard situation right now.

I hate it.

It is burdening my heart.

It is haunting my thoughts.

The worst part? I can do nothing about any of it!

Decisions are being made that are out of my control.

And I just sit by silently, watching it all unravel.

Sure, I could jump ship.

That option is always there.

Somebody actually just asked Micah and I when we are going to move on from this situation that has been so hard on us.

That seems to be the solution most people settle on.

Once something no longer pleases us, meets our needs, or makes us happy, we should move on from it, right?

I am sure there are cases where that is totally appropriate.

However, it has seemed to me that that has not been God's will for my life.

I've been through hard things before, and I've watched the Lord work in it and get me through it.

"The Lord stood at my side and strengthened me."
- 2 Tim. 4:17

 I learned that though jumping ship may offer me initial relief, I would forfeit these blessings:

~ A chance to mature and grow, and to rely on the Lord's strength.

~ A chance to deepen my understanding of the people involved and hopefully bond with them in a richer way.

~ And finally, a chance to watch God redeem it!

It still doesn't make it fun in the meantime.

And it still doesn't mean that I haven't pleaded with the Lord for a way out.

I have buried my face in my hands to sob more than once, and each time the Holy Spirit has ministered to my heart the same words...

"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
- 2 Cor. 12:9

My heart would cry,"But God, this feels like a curse! This feels like you've taken your hand off us! Have I sinned? Have I done something wrong that I should be experiencing this with no relief in sight?" 

During the time I was battling this, God sent someone to me who said, "Maybe God is testing you. Maybe He wants to see if you'll remain faithful."


That makes me think of another blessing I would forfeit if I jumped ship - The chance to set an example of faithfulness for others, and hopefully leave a legacy of faithfulness for my children.

I want them to see what happens when you choose to commit to something and see it through to the very end, even when it gets hard along the way.

I want them to see that you can stay in hard things!

Just because something's hard doesn't mean it's bad for you and you shouldn't do it.

Anything that's worth doing will come with its set of challenges and even heartbreaks.

Just stay in it!

Watch what God will do!

"In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world!"
John 16:33

This is what I'm preaching to myself, and I'm sticking to it!

"Sometimes I need only to stand wherever I am to be blessed."
- Mary Oliver


~ Courtney ~

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Family Field Trips

Hello friends!

I sure hope you all are happy and well!

I thought I'd share a few pictures from a short trip we were just on with the kids.

The weather lately has been beautiful, and we never took a spring break, so we thought we'd arrange for a little get-away...

(Our family in Chicago, May, 2019.)

We like short little excursions close to home, so we can get back to our beds as quickly as possible.

Besides, there's so much to see and enjoy right in our own backyard!

Last year this time we drove the kids down to Madison, to tour our State Capital building...

(May, 2018)

And this past winter we took them to Milwaukee to visit the Museum of History...

(March, 2019)

My favorite exhibit was their beautiful butterfly room! 

The butterfly room is a warm and sunny greenhouse that felt like heaven at the end of a long winter!

It's humid and bright, with hundreds of butterflies flying all around.

But our most recent trip was to the Milwaukee zoo, then a day in Chicago after that.

(Our family ~ May, 2019)

Micah's sister lives in Milwaukee and she let us stay in her home for the night.

She made things very nice and comfortable for us...

The way to pack for an overnight trip with multiple kids, is to line up everyone's suitcases like this...

Then I gather all the children around for their packing instructions.

I'll say something like, "I want you to go to your dressers and find your nicest jeans and bring them to me."

They all run off to their rooms and hurry to find the item I've called out, because I think to them it is some sort of race, haha. 

When they return I inspect it, then they place the approved item in their suitcase.

Then I say, "Next, go to your dressers and find two pairs of socks and two pairs of underwear and bring them to me."

And so on and so forth.

Everyone gets packed in a reasonable amount of time and under mama's watchful eye without me having to pack each of them individually.

This system has worked great for us!

I decided to make up a little map for the kids so they could visualize where we'd be going.

It is helpful for kids to know what lies ahead and what to expect.

I taped it to the wall above their suitcases so they could look at it while they packed.

I should point out that when we were looking ahead at the weather, it looked like rain. So we thought we'd do a museum in Milwaukee, which is why "museum" is on the map.

But the day before we left the rainy forecast had changed, and they were just calling for clouds instead.

We made the decision to switch to the zoo.

It was a great day for it!

The kids and I have been to the Milwaukee zoo before, but new things can be spotted at every visit!

The hot pink flamingos were my favorite!

The next morning we drove to Chicago to spend the day at the Aquarium.

We had never been there before and we really enjoyed it!

We saw the dolphin show and touched starfish and sturgeon.

The kids thought that was really neat! 

They all agreed that a starfish feels scratchy and bumpy, whereas a sturgeon's back feels almost like velvet! 

The underwater world is so complex and diverse that we couldn't help but repeat over and over again how creative God is!

We noticed a heavy Save the Planet message while we were there.

I remember this message from when I was in school in the 80s and 90s, but it has become a lot more militant.

One tour guide at the aquarium even got a little teary-eyed while talking about efforts to clean up the oceans.

The message on this sign reveals the attitude...

(I don't know what Roman's pose here is supposed to be, haha...)

"Earth, we're on it."

Micah and I pondered it as we passed by.

"It must be such a frantic and panicky way of life for people who don't know the Lord." I said while we walked.

They feel the weight of the world on their shoulders! But for the Christian there is such peace... We know God is in control of all things and He surely knows how to care for His creation.

"The earth is the Lord's and everything in it, the world and all who live in it."
- Psalm 24:1

Of course it is wise to be good stewards of the home God has created for us, but we just don't need to worry, that's all.


We found a great little pizzeria on our walk back to the car and stopped for supper before heading home.

Chicago is such a fun and energetic city!

Micah and I were so happy to give the kids a day of experiences there.

If you're a homeschool mama, where do you take your kids on field trips?

Mention it in the comments to give me some new ideas!

Take care sweet friends,


~ Courtney ~