Hello again, friends.
We've done some sprucing up in our laundry room recently, and I have a few photos I'd like to share.
This is my new, pretty laundry room...
At some point a previous owner of our house converted an upstairs room into a laundry room.
I've always liked having the laundry upstairs.
It's very convenient.
And since we live in a very old farmhouse, with an unfinished fieldstone basement, it would not be very lovely to spend my days down there doing laundry.
It's much nicer to do laundry upstairs where it's bright.
Nonetheless, we still decided it was high time to spruce the room up.
Here is a before photo...
The plan:
Paint over the blue
Replace the windows
Sand and poly the floor
Make it pretty!
The kids are at great ages to help!
Roman completely removed the old wallpaper border for me.
I was thankful I didn't have to do it!
They also enjoyed removing old nails, filling holes and wiping woodwork down.
My crew!...
Aren't they cute?
Here are a few during photos...
The room has this very large, blank wall. So I decided to paper it in a colorful vintage rose pattern as an accent wall.
An annoying fact about wallpapering is that you should over-order since you will need more than you think. However, because of pattern repeats, you will have a ton of waste in the end.
It is worth it, though.
I love how it turned out, and I think it fits my old-fashioned house very well.
When I finished papering the accent wall, Micah sanded the floor...
And replaced the windows...
For as long as we've lived in this house, I have had a junky old cabinet in this room to hold my laundry and cleaning supplies.
Micah offered to fix it up and paint it for me.