"My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest." - Isaiah 32:18

Friday, April 22, 2022

Earth Day Celebration

 Today is Earth Day.


"The earth is the Lord's and all that is in it..."  - Psalm 24:1

We're honoring Mother Nature by celebrating!

"Let the heavens be glad, let the earth rejoice..."  - Psalm 96:11

I got the idea for an "Earth Day Celebration" several weeks ago and jotted down my inspiration...

I thought it'd be fun to frost and decorate cookies, plant flowers, and go on a nature walk.

We invited a few friends who were happy to play along, and had a lovely time together.

We started the day with a poetry recitation...

Homeschoolers always seem to have large amounts of poetry and Bible verses memorized, so it was no extra hassle. Just a fun time of sharing with others what we've been learning this year.

"See! The winter is past;

the rains are over and gone.

Flowers appear on the earth;

the season of singing has come.

The cooing of doves is heard in our land."

- Song of Songs 2:11-12


The value of reciting poetry is that we can share emotions and perspectives that are meaningful, even if they are not ours.

But there were a few original poems recited today that were creative and fun!

Next, we moved into the kitchen for a festive time of cookie decorating.

The kids seemed to really enjoy it!

Lunch in the dining room was next...

The menu was simple:

-Egg salad on croissants

-Crustless peanut butter sandwiches

-Fresh fruit

-Pickles and chips

-Lemonade and chocolate milk

-Our freshly frosted cookies for dessert

The kids colored their Earth Day coloring pages while I read to them a quick science lesson.

(It was still a school day, after all.)

We learned about negative ions in nature.

Ions are molecules created from how sunlight reacts to moving air and water.

Negative ions create positive vibes in humans. They boost our mood!

Since they are far more prevalent in outdoor air than indoor air, we were anxious to get outside for our mood-lifting air bath of negative ions!

(I prayed the Lord would hold the rain back for us and He did!)

There is probably no better way to spend Earth Day than to plant a tree or flower...

Everyone got to plant a flower to take home.

These sweet girls are dear friends, and their mamas are such good friends to me, that we all feel so blessed.

We finished our celebration with a brisk walk on our trails, stopping to ooh and ahh over the tiny buds on the trees.

We thank the Lord for springtime and friendships.

And all the mamas said, "The kids will sleep good tonight!"

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Happy Earth Day!

~ Courtney