"My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest." - Isaiah 32:18

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Rules For Making Your Home Life Happier

Wow, that's a powerful title, isn't it?

I'll admit, I didn't come up with it.

I discovered it in the back of an antique book.

Those of you who know me, know my love and obsession with beautiful, antique books.

I purchase them at Antique stores, and display them in my home so that I can enjoy their beauty.

Sometimes though, I get curious...

Curious about what's in these lovely, old books.


I'm fascinated by this thought...

Would something that was written 100-years or so ago be something that I can relate to today?

When my curiosity gets the best of me, I crack one open. And most of the time what I read is 


and sometimes even



This happened several months ago, actually. I stumbled upon a list titled, "Rules For Making Your Home Life Happier."

In its issue for June, 1933, American Magazine printed an article by Emmet Crozier, "Why Marriages Go Wrong." In it was this list, and the author reprinted it in the back of his book.

Are you curious about this list?

Would you like to see it?

It looks like this:

I was surprised to realize that this really isn't too out of touch with what would be wise for wives to do today! When I was engaged to be married, I never once thought about the "household menu" or how I would face "financial reverses" or really any of the things included in this list...

But we are now in our tenth year of marriage and I have encountered, in some form, all of the ten issues mentioned.

Some of these are even completely timeless. Take #8, for example: 

Do you compromise little differences of opinion in the interest of harmony?

That's great advice, straight out of 1933!!!

Progressive values in our culture today would have us believe that the values from 1933 are outdated, and unrealistic. However, common sense should tell us that what has worked in human relations for decades and even centuries, is what can still work for us today! 

(Most old-fashioned values should still be adhered to and should still be considered right and true. But I don't wish to get off track...;)

I was so intersted in this list that I showed it to Micah and I asked, "Is this in tune to what husband's want their wives to do?" 

We had an interesting little discussion over it which led me to ask this next question, "If you could compose a list for me, what would be on your list?"

I was genuinely intersted in receiving Micah's list for me. So one evening, with pen and paper in hand, I recorded what he told me would be "his list" for me.

He told me the following five things... The five things that are most important to him:

1. Being a good mother.

2. Keeping a nice house.

3. A healthy sex-life.

4. Ironed work clothes.

5. Opening our home more often to company.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

By now you may be wondering, The 1933 magazine article made a list for wives, but what about husbands?

Yes, there was a list for husbands as well, but I honestly didn't look too closely at it. 

The reason is because I was only interested in improving myself. I wanted to take a healthy look at how I was doing as a wife, and I was genuinely interested in taking Micah's suggestions to heart. You may have figured out, as I have, that you can't change or improve others; only yourself.

I can't imagine it would have been productive for me to hand him the list from the book and say, Read this and learn! I know that because if it were done to me I would've never so much as glanced at the list, but in offense said,

You're not the boss of me!!!

Each person must make improvements to their life based on their own desire and on their own terms.

SO... since my blog is for homemakers, and I assume that my readers are women, I will say this; Let's just focus on improving ourselves, and in return we'll reap the harvest of a happier home life!

Are you curious as to what your husband would say if you asked him to make such a list for you?

I would encourage you to sit down with him and ask, What would you like me to focus on? What's most important to you?

All marriages are different and people are different, so what would be very important to one husband, may not matter much to another. 

For example, most men place high value on their wives having a hot meal ready for them when they get home. But you'll notice that that is not included in Micah's list for me. In fact, if he were to keep going to ten, it probably still wouldn't make it onto the list. It's just not something he's ever cared about. But timely, hot meals may be important for your husband! 

You should ask! See what he says! Then write it down and keep the list in your bible or daily planner, or some other place where you'll be sure to come across it often. 

"Let us not love with words or tongue, but with actions and in truth." 1 John 3:18

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

Well girlfriends, I'm off to iron some work shirts and throw in a frozen pizza for supper...

;) ;) ;)

As always, you're welcome to leave a comment. I love hearing from you!!!


~ Courtney ~ 


  1. It's funny that you wrote this today Courtney because I was planning on having a similar conversation with Ryan tonight...God's way of saying do it! ;)

    1. Yes, I agree, God works in that way! It's a good lesson for me, too, to always follow the Lord's prompting... I had another topic idea that I was hoping to pursue instead, but God placed this one on my heart for today. I hope your conversation tonight goes well! :)


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