"My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest." - Isaiah 32:18

Monday, November 14, 2016

Roman Micah

Oh, friends!

It has been too long. I have missed you!

I have been a busy bee ~ reading stories to my children, Christmas shopping, baking pies and cookies, kissing boo-boo's, enjoying the beautiful autumn weather, and feathering our "nest" to make it a warm and safe haven for my loved ones. 

My beloved blogging activities, unfortunately, took a back seat while I was buzzing around with all of that. ~ *sad face ~

BUT! I am back to share with you about my oldest son, Roman. 

November is an extremely special month in our home, because two of our children have birthdays this month! Which is another reason for my blogging absence. I love making my children feel cherished and honored on their birthdays!

Eight years ago I was only 25, and getting ready to have my very first baby!

Here I am with my mother, and Roman is safe in my tummy:

A few weeks after this photo was taken, my Roman Micah was born:

Looking at my face in this picture reminds me of how relieved I felt that he was finally here! I won't bore you with unnecessary details, but I'll just say... My water broke (why do they call it that?) at about 5am on Sunday morning, November 9. Being the complete novice that I was, I went to church that morning! (Stupid! Stupid! Haha...) And after a long and rough 2 days, (again, sparing you the *ahem details) he was born at 7:20 Monday night, November 10th.

The whole thing was traumatic and wonderful all at the same time!

When I brought him home, I dove head-first into my new "job" and wanted nothing else but to be the best mother that I could be for him.

I was overwhelmed by the HUGE responsibility but also the deep love that I felt!

My heart was bursting with a strong desire for him to seek, love, and obey God all the days of his life. And I felt like it was my job to instill that in him! So, when he was an infant, I composed a list of 10 prayers that I prayed over his head regularly when he was a baby. 

While preparing for this post I managed to find the original list!
(You guys! I typed it out onto colorful paper! Plus I used a fancy font! I am shaking my head over here! Haha... Sheesh! The things you do with your firstborn... *eye roll...)

Anyway, I'll share it with you!
Here it is:

At night, when I would tuck him into bed, I would literally hold this list in my hands, stand over his crib, and read (pray!) them aloud.

"For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and His ears are attentive to their prayers..." 1 Peter 3:12

God heard me and was faithful. When Roman was five years old he came to me, unprompted, and told me he wanted to ask Jesus into his heart. We sat and talked about his sin, and repentance, and God's forgiveness. I hesitated leading him in the Sinner's Prayer because I feared he was too young. But then the Lord reminded me of what Jesus said in Matthew...

"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Matthew 19:14

Roman asked Jesus into his heart that day!

Over the past few years I have been truly blessed by watching him grow in the Lord.

"I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in truth." 3 John 1:4

Now he is 8! And his birthday was really special...

On my children's birthdays, we take the day off of school and responsibilities. They get to plan our activities and choose what they want as their birthday dinner.

Roman wanted a day to play with his cousins:

It was an eventful day! ;)

When we arrived home, I got straight to work on his birthday dinner. His menu was specific. He wanted homemade cheeseburgers with pickles and bacon. I also caramelized slices of onion. (Our house smelled fantastic! Haha) Also on the menu was fresh fruit, candy, and cranberry juice. 

I did my best to accommodate his menu request, and to capture the moment he came to dinner. His face is a little blurry because he was in motion, but I love that his excited expression can still be seen!

I sure hope that when my children are grown, that they can recall their childhood home as being a place of happiness and love!

This is our job, mama's! There's no better way to spend a life!

When dinner was over, there were presents...

and cake...

(Cake in our pajamas!!! What could be better than that?!) 

And at the end of the night I was one exhausted mama!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I sure do enjoy having a blog to record special family stories and events. And I love that I get to share it all with you!

Please consider leaving a comment! I love hearing from you!

Take care, friends!


~ Courtney ~


  1. What a special day! How can Roman be 8 already? :-). Do you think you'll do a post on how hard you and Micah worked to find a name you both liked?

    1. Haha.... You definitely are a friend who's been with me since the beginning and knows all our stories! ;) ;)


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