"My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest." - Isaiah 32:18

Friday, August 25, 2017

Our Week Of Adventure

Have you ever noticed how nobody ever says, 

'World Sweet World', 

or 'Job Sweet Job', 

or 'School Sweet School'...


Everyone knows it's 

'Home Sweet Home!'

And for good reason!

"... At home we are totally in charge! We can turn on or off the music any time we want. The curtains can be lace, or linen, or shades, or blinds ~ or none at all. And if we want something and it's too expensive, we can figure out how to make it, or save for it. TV can be on all day, or never... We can feed the birds or we don't have to. And no one cares because it is our own world and no one else's."
~ Susan Branch

Yes! This is how I feel about my home.

It is my own little world where I can do what I please, and I almost never wish to leave.

Sometimes though, I have no choice and I must leave.

This happened recently.

Micah called a family meeting and announced that we would be leaving for a week to travel south. He wanted to watch the eclipse, visit family, and give the kids a summer vacation.

So he planned a summer road trip for us and rented an RV.

Of course my initial reaction was not very pleasant. My first instinct was to feel sorry for myself with thoughts like, This does not sound fun at all! I do not wish to go! I can't be out of the house for a whole week! He knows that!!! What about laundry?! What about my plants?! What about back to school prep?! And on and on these thoughts went...

Until finally I came to a conclusion.

I realized that there are more people in this family besides just me. My happiness is not the only thing that matters, and there are others to consider. I resolved that I would go on this trip with as good an attitude as I could muster! This would be something that Micah and the kids would enjoy, so I would find contentment in that!

I began to embrace the idea, and do my best to get us ready to go!

I gathered together the items I thought we'd need...

Threw the kids' clothes in a bin...

And away we went...

I learned very quickly that RV living is NOT for me! But as I told a girlfriend the other day, I am more than happy to go through a rough week to give my kids a memorable experience!

(The RV had NO hot water!!! And the generator kept quitting on us!!!!!)

They loved it, though!!!

And it was good for them because they have so far lived a rather sheltered life, and our week on the road gave them many unique experiences...

For example... We camped at a place where we met an earthy, European family. When my children asked why the dad had long hair, and the daughter was running around shirtless, I explained to them that there are all different kinds of people in this world. God made and died for everyone, even the ones who are not like us!

We attended a church that was nothing like the church we're used to at home. It felt like we were at a rock concert! When my children asked why this church was so huge and so loud, I explained to them that God's people are everywhere and worship Him in all different ways!

But probably the most unique experience was to watch the eclipse in the path of totality...

We had two full minutes of complete totality. The sky grew dark... The temperature dropped... And the people all around us clapped and cheered!

It was a memorable experience for us all!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

One of the days on our trip was spent in downtown St. Louis.

My children have been raised in the country- on trees, trails and meadows... So, spending the day in a big city was a great opportunity for many important life lessons!

We took them to the Arch...

And made our way up to the very top!

Once we came down we decided to walk to the City Museum. 

My children are quite used to walking because of our daily nature walks on our trails. But this walk would be twenty city blocks!

The kids did great! And as I mentioned above, there were many teaching moments.

They learned how to cross streets in a big city, how to read the signs and what they mean, how to figure out the way to 17th street from the corner of Washington and 4th, etc...

At one point one of them said, "Why are we walking for so long?" And I explained that it's a lovely thing to be in the heart of a city- absorbing the atmosphere, gazing at all the interesting sights, and taking in the energy!

The city is exhilarating!...

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

While on the road, we drove to Kentucky. Micah has some family there, and together we visited the Ark Encounter...

The exhibits were fascinating! And the whole experience really boosted my faith!

One exhibit is of Satan saying, "If I can convince you that the Ark wasn't real, then I can convince you that heaven and hell aren't real."

And it reminded me of 1 Peter 1:14-15 which says, "As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as He who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do." 

Unsaved people are the ignorant ones.

SO... don't ever let unbelievers put you down for your faith and make you feel silly for believing the bible!

"Every word of God proves true; He is a shield to those who take refuge in Him."
-Proverbs 30:5

There were some challenging moments on this trip, but also some sweet ones...

My hope is that the memories made will last a lifetime...

When our week of adventure had ended, we headed back.

I was ready for 

~ Home Sweet Home ~

I couldn't wait for this sight to greet me...

Ahhh... Home!

When we arrived home, we discovered that my mother had stopped by the house to drop off some groceries, feed the pets, bring in the mail, and leave 'I missed you' notes on the children's beds. THEN! I got a text from a friend saying she was bringing us our dinner for the next night!

She said, "I know what it's like to get home from a long trip and be overwhelmed and exhausted..."

I don't know what I ever did to deserve such wonderful people in my life!

They take care of me!!!

And even though I've had mounds of laundry and lots to do, I've made sure to get out into the yard for my usual puttering around and flower clipping.

Arranging clippings in a vase stabilizes and reassures me, and helps get the house back to normal...

(The cranberries are here! Fall must be close by!)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Well friends, there's so much more I could share, but I'll end it here for today.

I plan to have a quick recover but then I must get to work preparing for the school year to start!

I have a lot of ideas and much to do to make it all happen, but I'll be sure to take the time to share it with you!

Thank you for stopping by my blog today, and for all the comments, 'likes', and support you have lavished on me throughout my blogging journey!

It means so much to me!!!


~ Courtney ~


  1. You fit SO many things into your trip! Your pictures of special memories are fun to see-thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank YOU for reading and commenting! Yes, Micah likes to cram as many activities and stops into our trips as possible! Haha!


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