We started school this week.
Did you?
It's really been going well so far, and we're enjoying it!
I love having all of my children with me during the days, safely tucked into our nest.
The world shouts, "You can't shelter them forever!!!"
Well... I know that.
I don't need to be told that.
I figure, they'll grow up soon enough...
And for now they're thriving at home... so why fix what isn't broken?
So... I ordered our books, made a schedule, and prepared for our fourth year of homeschooling...
There were a couple of things that I wanted to tweak from what we did last year. So, we've been experimenting with that this week...
One change is to prep some of their seat work ahead of time so that they can get started on it right away in the mornings without me.
Last year I wouldn't really prep anything... Once breakfast was over and we were dressed and ready for the day, we would sit down together and pull out the books to begin.
Well, since my last post, so many of you kindly and wisely advised me to prep folders ahead of time and I've been doing that this week.
I love it!
We get up early...
I have my coffee and quiet time...
And the kids get a head start on school...
It's been working out great!
The other change I wanted to make was with our weekday breakfasts.
I was inspired by something I had read by Michael Pearl.
He was addressing the multiple issues that come with feeding kids at home, and he wrote...
"Picture this- It's breakfast time. The table is set with oats or scrambled eggs, real butter, honey, orange juice, wheat toast or fruit. They are invited to the table. All must come and sit, but it is their business whether they eat or not. If they do not eat, ignore them. Once the table has been cleared off, there will be nothing else to eat until lunch."
The reason why this inspired me is because up until now I had taken a different approach to breakfast. I would fix up four different plates of everything that I wanted each child to eat, then get into a tizzy if a child wouldn't eat what I had fixed for them!
That can be stressful and a lot of work!
I decided to try Mr. Pearl's approach.
This particular day I had made scrambled eggs and cut up an assortment of fresh fruit...
(I didn't include a carb because the children had already had some dry cereal earlier that morning.)
Everyone was free to help themselves and take as large or as small a portion as they wanted.
It was freeing for me because I was no longer fussing over what they were eating. I was remembering Michael's words, "It is their business whether they eat or not."
As long as it's healthy, nourishing food, why can't I set the table like this and just let them take the portion size they desire?
I might stick with this approach!
We do our bible reading during breakfast. I read aloud while the children eat. Usually I read the Proverbs of the day, but we were introduced to a new curriculum at church recently, which has us reading from Ruth daily. So this is what we are doing at the moment.
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I really like to guard our time at home.
I was just telling a friend and fellow homeschool mama today how I feel as though there is always someone or something trying to yank us out of our homes.
She nodded in agreement, and we laughed!
A lot of them are good things! But as that famous quote goes, "You must learn to say 'no' to what's good, so you are able to say 'yes' to what's best."
So in my effort to protect our homelife, I decided that each child can choose only one extra-curricular activity to be involved in.
I was saying "NO" to a busy, on-the-go lifestyle.
Nola chose gymnastics, Soren wanted another swim class, and Roman asked to do a homeschool Art/Gym combo at our local community center.
This summer when I was doing my research for these classes, I noticed that not only did the YMCA have a swim class for Soren at the same time as Nola's gymnastics class, but they also offered a toddler gymnastics class that Elsa could be involved in... All at the same time!!!
I felt like I had hit the jackpot!!!
These classes all go on during the 5-6:00 hour on Wednesdays, which is perfect for us! Because of church, I have to load up the car and get us ready to head into town each Wednesday anyway, why not leave a little early and knock out 3 out of the 4 kids' classes all in one hour!!!
YES! This is going to work out splendidly!
Yesterday was our first round of classes...
I figured I'd better pack some supper for us to eat in the car on our way over to church once we left the Y.
I happily swung open my cupboard doors to pull out our lunch boxes and get to work, but was met with this mess!...
No, no, no... I shouldn't be living like this!
And the next thing I knew I was sitting pretzel-legged on the floor in the kitchen, pulling each item out and organizing this messy cupboard.
Ahhh.. This is better...
Time well spent.
Now I can make our supper!
(Packing lunch boxes for four kids is kind of a chore! I hope my motivation for this stays up as the weeks press on!)
Our time a the Y went fast, but was really pleasant.
Elsa has never taken a class outside of church before. She was excited to try something new!
She has never been a shy child, and I felt happy and proud to watch her walk right on in to a new environment without any hesitation!
I tried to snap a few pictures, but desperately didn't want to be a helicopter mom, so the pictures were taken at a distance...
Nola in her class...
And Soren in the pool...
I did not go into the classes with them.
I think when you're a homeschool family, kids are sometimes deprived of something that can be just theirs. Do you know what I mean?
Some activity that they can own... Some small chunk of their life where boring, old mom isn't in their face for once.
This is one of the main reasons why I so far haven't volunteered to teach any of their classes at church. They need opportunity for some independence... Spread their wings a little... Learn how to obey authority that isn't mom or dad... And practice the social skills they've been learning at home, without me hovering over them. (Although I am still in the building and can pop my head in to check on them if I want. *wink)
They all did great in their new fall classes, and loved it!
I think this will be a wonderful school year!
Our week so far as been quite enjoyable!
How has it been for you?
I sure do love it when you leave comments for me! It helps me get to know you better, and I love that, because when I sit down to blog I feel as though I am visiting with friends!
You all are my friends, you know that, don't you?!
Thanks for reading...
I'll be back here again soon!
~ Courtney ~
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