"My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest." - Isaiah 32:18

Monday, December 4, 2017

Some Encouragement

Hi, friends!

I hope you are enjoying a cozy evening at home.

I'm just popping in with a quick post tonight because I got an idea of something I want to share with you...

Once in a while I come across a quote in a book, or paragraph in a blog that really inspires and encourages me.

Other times I may read something that convicts me and causes me to want to strive to do better.

(I believe this is good for us. We should have a desire to learn more and do better.)

I do not read books or follow blogs by young women who preach the, "I'm awesome. You're awesome. Anything you do is awesome" message while boasting about the piles of dirty dishes in their sinks and bragging about their rambunctious children and greasy hair.

You know the type. 

"Just keepin' it real!"

*eye roll...

Yes, I know the overall goal of these women is to be humorous, and I like to laugh just like everyone else, but I try not to let their message take root in my heart.

I do not need to hear from some stranger on the internet that I'm beautiful and anything I do is more than good enough.

When you know who you are in Christ, you don't need validation from anyone else.

"In Christ you have been brought to fullness."
~ Colossians 2:10a

"See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!"
~ 1 John 3:1

"You are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light."
~ 1 Peter 2:9

But anyway, (I may be getting off track) I prefer to follow the blogs of older women who can teach me valuable things about being at home, because then I'm encouraged to do better!!!

And that's what gave me the idea for this post!

I thought I'd share just a few lines that I've read recently from books and blogs that have inspired and convicted me.

Does that sound interesting to you?

Ok! Let's begin...

"As godly women, our goal in life should be going around doing good and the most important people we should be doing good for is our own family. Learn to be a servant and do what you can to make their lives as happy as you can. Be in the Word so you can be a cheerful presence in your home. Don't be ruled by your emotions but be ruled by truth."
~ Lori Alexander, The Transformed Wife

"Today women worry so much about whether they are considered to be beautiful according to some narrow standard. They are so focused on appearance they neglect the unique beauty they already possess and that never ages. It is the beauty we have in our feminine smile, mannerisms, and the way we treat others.

If you work on these qualities and do the best with what you have physically, you will be adored and thought charming, even beautiful. Others will want to be around you and when you're not there, they will remember you fondly and speak well of you. They may not say you had the prettiest face or the best legs but they will think of you as a beautiful person.

We should all take care of ourselves and not neglect our hair, clothing or makeup, but don't worry if you don't look like a movie star. Even movie stars have to work at it and as you no doubt know, their looks don't promise them happiness, or even lasting love."
~ fascinatingwomanhood.com 

(This was our backyard last year on Christmas Eve. I really hope we have snow again for Christmas this year!!!)

"The home is powerful. If it were not an important institution, the enemies of God and man would leave it alone. The people who control the home control the future. Parents are the first representatives of God on earth, within the home is the hope of morality."
~ Dr. Daniel A. Lord

"A mother should not only have no favorites among her children, but she should be the earliest confidante of all their thoughts and hopes... Early feelings and experiences are the most enduring with all of us, and in proportion to the child's sensitiveness will be the depth of scars which the sorrows of childhood leave behind them. Too many parents, alas, imagine that so long as the child is fed and clad all is going well with it."
~ An excerpt from Mothers of Great Men and Women, published in 1892

"In order for a mother to have children that respect her, she must train them from an early age to respect the authority in their lives. If a mother fails to teach her children this important discipline, the child will suffer their entire lives since children don't naturally obey, respect, and reverence authority, as we see among many children today.

Children need to be disciplined and trained from a young age to obey their mother's first request to them - immediate obedience! But, the mother must also show her children a lot of love, warmth, affection, and cheerfulness so obedience isn't burdensome. She should want them to grow up to obey the Lord willingly and joyfully. Mothers are the training ground where children either learn to do this or not."
~ Lori Alexander, The Transformed Wife 

Just today I was driving home from the grocery store with my children in the backseat, and as I was coming through a round-about, a truck barreled through in front of me and I had to slam on my breaks in order not to hit him. 

He never saw me.

He never looked.

He just bullied his way on in at my expense.

As irritating as that is, it actually sparked a great discussion between me and the children. (So for that I was thankful for Mr. Daredevil.) 

It began as me telling them that even if you're in the right, and another person is in the wrong, do everything you can to avoid an accident. (I slammed on the breaks so hard, several grocery items came sailing out of their bags and onto the floor. Haha...) I explained to them how important it is to keep a clear driving record, and to follow traffic rules at all times.

From there the conversation evolved to me explaining that rules and laws are put in place to protect us and keep us safe! I said, "Sometimes you may be tempted to think that dad and I are trying to ruin your fun with rules, but that is not true. Dad and I love you and want you to be successful someday.  That's why we're teaching you now how to obey, so that when you're older you'll know how to obey the laws, and how to obey a manager or boss."

To that, one of my children replied, "Yes, mom, you've told us this before."


So, maybe I'm a broken record, but they'll get the point... won't they?

Well friends, weren't those quotes and excerpts encouraging?!

I hope you feel uplifted! (And reminded to yield to the left in round-abouts!!! Sheesh!)

Until next time...


~ Courtney ~

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