"My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest." - Isaiah 32:18

Friday, May 18, 2018

A Small Peek at the Family Room

Well friends...

I was really hoping that my next post about the family room would finally be an "after" post, but we are still in progress.

I am extremely excited about how it's coming along, though, and just couldn't wait to share some photos with you!

Would you like to see it?...

Ta Da!!!...

Yes, I realize this just looks like a normal family room, but here's a "before" to give you an idea of how far we've come...

(My Roman sure is a monkey, isn't he?)

The biggest and most expensive hurdle was the flooring. 

We decided to replace the carpet and I am very happy with the result.

This room has been the kids' main play area over the years, and I wanted to keep it soft and cozy for them.

(We have hardwood floors everywhere else.)

Here's a picture of the old carpet...

(If you can look past the cute kid showing off his Lincoln Log creation, HA!)

It was green, and from our best estimate- a couple of decades old.

I was thrilled to see it go...

And even more thrilled to watch the new carpet get installed...

Oh happy day!!!

Here's my new carpet "after"...

I knew that I wanted a very neutral oatmeal color when I came home with the board of swatches. But of course, didn't know the perfect one to choose. There were so many to pick from! And I really didn't want to make a mistake!

After pondering it for days, and looking at the swatches in all different lighting, I finally narrowed it down to one.

The next day a friend of mine happened to be over so I asked her to give me her opinion. I didn't tell her that I had liked one in particular. I just told her I wanted a color that didn't lean yellow, but also didn't lean grey.

She picked the exact one I had picked!


The day after that my mother happened to be over and I repeated the process with her. I showed her the sample board of colors but didn't tell her the one my friend and I had picked.

She too had selected the same color!


I felt as though my decision was clear.

I placed the order for the carpet and never had a moment of second-guessing.

"Thank you, Lord," I found myself whispering under my breath... "for making this big, expensive decision so easy!"

Here is this same wall "before"...

And where we are today...

(I can't decide if I like the couch with or without the check patterned pillows... Which is why, if you were to zoom in real closely, the tags are still on them...)

Even though the carpet was a bit of a splurge, we saved a lot of money in other areas. This couch, for example, I found on Facebook Marketplace for $100. The brass chandelier is an antique, and I also paid $100 for it. And I found the floral ottoman at Goodwill for a shocking $15!!! I told a friend about my $15 ottoman and she said, "I think they forget a zero on the price tag!" Haha... My thoughts exactly. I feel very lucky to have found this!

I only share this to say that lavish spending isn't necessary when decorating a home. 

I've decorated my entire home with hand-me-downs, antiques, and thrift store finds.

So be encouraged, if you're on a tight budget! Be willing to hunt around second-hand stores and scroll through Craigslist. Beautiful things can be found very inexpensively!

Like I said at the start of this post, we still aren't finished in here. But I am so thankful for the progress that has been made so far!

Micah is currently working on building a new mantle piece for our fireplace...

But I don't let that stop me from decorating the bookcases around it...

(And watching Bugs Bunny with my kids, haha...)

(The driftwood piece came from the ocean shore in Costa Rica when Micah and I were there for our anniversary last year. *smile)

I look forward to sharing more about this room very soon!

But in the meantime, thanks for letting me give you a small peek!


~ Courtney ~

P.S. ~ Please don't ever hesitate to leave a comment. I love hearing from you!!!

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