"My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest." - Isaiah 32:18

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Summer's Winding Down...

"What we call nature is all beauty and delight. The person who watches nature closely and knows her well has his beauty sense always active, always bringing him joy." ~ Charlotte Mason

Isn't it wonderful, friends?

We get to soak up the last few drops of summer, all while looking forward to bright, crisp Autumn - which is coming for us next!

I was just talking yesterday with someone about how lucky we are to live in a place where we get to experience all four seasons.

Where I live the summers are warm and green, and the winters snowy and white.

(The view today from my front door.)

I am glad God thought of seasons.

He must have known we would need a change every three months or so.

It sure keeps life interesting!

We've enjoyed our summer.

I hope you have, too!

"The world is a great treasure-house full of things to be seen, and each new thing one sees is a new delight." ~ Charlotte Mason

I've been working on getting our school bookshelf ready for the new year...

I'm expecting a box in the mail any day now with this years' curriculum.

I hope there'll be enough room for everything!

I just purchased these green book organizers (pictured above) because the children's workbooks are paperbacks and I remember last year having a hard time getting them to stand up straight in these shelves.

Since I will have a first grader, a second grader, and a fourth grader this year, I purchased three so each child can have one for their workbooks.

I hope this will be a system that I like!

I've already begun prepping the children for what their schedule will be in the new school year...

I've told them to remember three!

There will be three things for them to accomplish by breakfast, and three more things to accomplish by the time our school day starts.

By breakfast I would like for them to have completed their 1. Morning run 2. Bible reading and 3. Folder worksheets.

(I plan to keep their folders stocked with math worksheets this year. Last year I did manuscript and cursive copy work.)

After breakfast it's 1. Morning routine 2. Chores and 3. Piano practice.

Then we will officially start school for the day.

It was not by default or accident that I settled on the pre-breakfast "three".

I designed it that way.

Because of some reading and researching I had done, as well as now having several homeschooling years under my belt, I have organized their early morning schedule in such a way so they experience certain things first. A blast of fresh air and sunshine along with a short run to wake them up and get the brain juices flowing, will come first. Then when they come in they are ready for bible reading and math. Those two in particular were chosen because of their black and white nature. I like for my children to start their day with a clear sense that things in life are either right or wrong.

I think it'll be a great start to each school day, and they're already practicing...

The children make a morning run log each week.

They are in the habit of logging their times and writing an observation. (Although you can see that Soren still needs a little convincing. Ha!) 

We will continue this until the first snow.

While we wait for our school year to start, I putter around the house.

Sort of like a pregnant woman "nesting", I know something big is coming up so I better sweep and dust and get the house ready!

I've packed away my summer decor. (Which is really only some faux lavender and a few sea shells.) And I've put together my fall mantle arrangement...

To create a faux arrangement that doesn't look tacky, I like to use elements that closely resemble what could be found in nature for the current season.

For the arrangement above I used Lambs' ear, Queen Anne's lace, Cranberries, and Turkey feathers.

When I purchased the berries, the sprig came with leaves. I cut away all the leaves and just used the berries because the leaves looked plastic and fake to me.

I like the result.

I think this will satisfy me until Christmas.

On my dining room table I keep fresh arrangements...

These are clippings from my yard...

Even though my phlox and my roses are still in bloom, I think I'm done with pink and purple for the year.

Summer's winding down.

Time to dress the house for fall...

(Although this is as far as I've gotten.)

My next post will be about our mudroom.

Micah and I have been painting in there, freshening it up before winter...

(A sneak peek.)

So check back with me soon!


~ Courtney ~


  1. Hi Courtncy, Those photos are fabulous! I love the one with the kids on the sand. Living in a place with four seasons must be wonderful. We feel a slight shift, but not like places where it snows. Starting the day with a run sounds so healthy. I ride my bike each morning with my dog running at my side. It's great for the heart. Take care...

    1. Thank you so much, Stephanie! I like the idea of a morning bike ride, too! My kids would love that. I think four seasons is nice but not everyone would agree- still having snow and ice in April is wearisome for a lot of people. Haha! I appreciate you reading and for your comments.


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