There was a statement made by an Arizona democratic candidate some years back, where she expressed her contempt for stay-at-home moms by calling them "leeches".
(I would love to include the exact quote, but it consists of some profanity.)
This sentiment was reiterated to me again recently when a woman told me how important it is that she works outside the home because she can contribute to the family income.
Once again, I began thinking...
I compared this idea (of a woman at home being a leech) to my own life experience...
You don't mind a quick jog down memory lane with me, do you?
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Before Micah and I were married, he owned a house, had a son, and was starting out in his career.
For his house, he had a maid...
For his son, he had a babysitter...
And for his business clothes, he had a dry-cleaning service.
He and his son never cooked homemade meals, so they ate out regularly.
All of these services, as I'm sure you well know, cost a lot of money!
After Micah and I got married and I moved into his home with him, he cancelled ALL of those services.
I became the maid, the cook, the laundry service, and the nanny.
I didn't see it at the time, but now looking back I realize I was very valuable to him.
(A side note- I developed a bad attitude towards this work in my early twenties that I regret today. I began to harbor feelings of resentment toward Micah because I felt taken advantage of at the time. That may be a personal thing to share, but I'm sharing it to encourage young women who are newly married to work hard in their homes with a happy heart attitude! I wish I had! Now, serving Micah and my children in our home is a joy to me, but it took too many years for me to get here.)
(Summer 2017)
The question is, could I have been leeching off of Micah by being at home?
Are you leeching off of your husband if you've chosen to stay at home?
Laboring at home is contributing to the family income, because you are helping to keep money in, instead of it flowing out.
Be encouraged!
Every meal you make at home, every business shirt you press, every wall you paint yourself, helps keep the money in! And what value that is to a hard-working husband!
Whether he acknowledges that or not should not effect your attitude, since we work "heartily as to the Lord, and not unto men". (Col.3:23)
(I wish somebody would've told me that twelve years ago! *eye roll...)
Although admittedly, it is wonderful to be acknowledged...
Just last night Micah said to me, "You have taught three of our four kids to read, and you've taught them to be each other's best friends... What an accomplishment!"
How that did my heart such good!!!
But even when he says nothing, I am content in my work, because I have learned the value of it.
"I will pity Mrs. Jones for the hugeness of her task, I will never pity her for the smallness of it."
- Chesterton
"The greatest happiness that you can hope to attain in this world is a happy home. No career that you can plan and carve out for yourself, no fame, no fortune, can take its place. You may have the career and the fame and the fortune, but if you have not had a happy home, you will find before you reach the end that something has been lacking."
- William Drysdale, Helps for Ambitious Girls
"Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value. She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life."
-Proverbs 31:11-12
If you are a hard-working woman at home, I hope you know how valuable you are!
~ Courtney ~
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