"My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest." - Isaiah 32:18

Monday, July 13, 2020

For Mothers Who Wish to Keep Their Children Home This Fall

I had touched on this briefly on my Facebook page back in March, but now that we see all that has transpired since then, I will touch on it again.

My two cents for mothers who are considering homeschooling this fall...

In March we were all still green and naive.

Those who were thrust into makeshift homeschooling thought it would only last a few weeks and their children would return to school to complete the year, no harm, no foul.

How wrong we were!

Now here we are, partway through summer with our lives still in an upheaval, and with next school year threatening to be significantly impacted by new Covid rules and procedures.

This isn't leaving us any time soon.

It has some mothers wondering why they should send their children back at all.

Homeschooling has gradually gained popularity over the last 20 years, but even still, most parents choose to send their kids to an actual school. Things are different now, parents are freaked out, and I'm no prophet, but I think we can rightfully anticipate homeschooling to skyrocket this Fall.

One of the reasons for this is that mothers were given a taste of it during quarantine and decided they loved it!

Their children were thriving and they didn't miss the hectic lifestyle of their pre-Covid days.

But for mothers who aren't used to this and question if they can do it, I will offer you a few thoughts to ponder...

First of all, if you choose to leave the public school you need to know that you have been set free.

You answer to no one now.

No one will knock on your door to ask why your children aren't in school. No one will demand to see your curriculum or a certificate proving your credibility to teach them. YOU are the mother, and will be in full control if you choose to do this.

(Please note, this has been my experience in Wisconsin. While homeschooling is perfectly legal in all 50 states, I would encourage you to familiarize yourself with your state's particular laws, as some states are more lenient than others.)

Consider that you are used to getting up and dressed and hitting the road to go someplace else. Well, your home is now your someplace else. You will still get dressed and hair and makeup ready because you will see yourself as an independent contractor.

You can design your child's school year how you see fit, based on their interests, strengths and weaknesses and their abilities. You will learn over time how to use curriculum to serve your agenda, not the other way around.

Secondly, there's no need to worry about if you are qualified. Are you the mother? Mothers make excellent teachers because no one knows your kids like you do. You are beyond qualified.

I will tell you a secret about homeschooling... Academics is not why we do this. Sure, those of us who homeschool have accredited curriculum we've paid for, on-line resources, teacher's manuals, and stacks upon stacks of books!

But a mother home-schools to bind her child's heart to hers.

Homeschooling is being a student of the life God has given you. It is not about mere academics, it's about a well-rounded and happy life.

Thirdly, it would be unfair of me if I did not mention this...

You will soon realize that pouring all your time and energy into your home and family is a tiring, thankless, and isolating job. 

Remember Betty Friedan's, The Problem That Has No Name ?

Women working outside the home is popular because it's there one can receive the accolades, acknowledgement, and pats on the back that we all desire.

All that goes out the window when you choose to stay home.

But just know that we all feel this way. It's normal. You're not doing anything wrong. The trick is to come up with ways to motivate and reward yourself. And of course to remember that we are "working for the Lord and not for men." (Colossians 3:23)

Lastly, remember that whatever you choose for the upcoming school year, kids should not see their mothers anxious or overwhelmed. 

We will not give into fear.

"She is clothed with strength and dignity and can laugh at the days to come."
- Proverbs 31:25

This decision is between you, your husband and the Lord. (I don't care what you do. Your kids are not my responsibility. I am only offering a few points to consider.) Once you've made your decision, move forward confidently!

I hope I've given you something to think about.


~ Courtney ~

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