"My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest." - Isaiah 32:18

Monday, January 20, 2025

Just Checking In

 We are currently under a severe weather advisory for extreme cold.

I am thankful today for working water and heat.

Despite the frigid temps and an hour pause to watch the inauguration, our homeschooling efforts have continued as usual.

(Homeschooling has always been a messy endeavor for us, but winter sunlight is more than welcome on this chilly day.)

This is where we gather each day for "Catechesis," the fancy term I've given to our family's morning recitations, hymn sing, cursive work, devotions, and prayer.

Now that my children are older and quite self-governed with their studies, I've noticed it's essential for keeping us in tune with each other.

It's my favorite time of the day.

I realize it's been several months since I've posted on this blog, and I can't tell you how many people have asked me where I've been!

Actually, I can tell you. It's been zero. 


But still - I'd like to jump right back into it.

I've missed the creative outlet this has provided for me.

I recently watched an interview with Jerry Seinfeld and something he said struck me. He remarked that, "To be creative, you've got to feel like you're getting away with something."

I have always felt that way about writing for this blog, but never would have thought to put it that way.

The puppy we welcomed into our family last summer is now full grown and is doing great.

The kids named him "Cash."

Even in below zero temps, we still get him out for his beloved afternoon walkie.

He loves it!

Regal avoids him as much as possible. Cash is too chaotic for Regal's taste.

These two animals in my home cause more drama and commotion than my four kids!

There's a lot I'd like to write about, and should write about (to keep a proper record) but today is just for checking in... for testing the waters, to see if this is still a worthwhile pursuit. Or if blogs are over, as one of my teenagers just informed me.

I believe his actual words were, "What even is a blog? They don't exist."


As funny as that was, I have to admit I still read and enjoy several blogs myself. I've followed them for years, and feel like they're my friends. They've taught me a lot and I've watched their kids grow up.

Blogging is for those who care more for the analog, slow way of getting to know someone, and less about keeping up with the fast-paced influencer.

To me, the fact that they're old fashioned makes them all the more charming.


That's all for now. Time to get back to my home duties.

Stay warm!!

~ Courtney 


  1. Hi Courtney,
    I rarely ever comment, but I still love reading blogs. I only read a few these days, and I avoid ones that are full of commission links and commercialization. Many bloggers I used to read have moved to Instagram and become "influencers", unfortunately. I want to read blogs from other Christian moms and homemakers/homeschoolers--like you! Can I tell you some other blogs that I read and enjoy? You might like them, too. Homeliving by Mrs. Lydia Sherman, The Legacy of Home by Mrs. Sharon White, and Strangers and Pilgrims on Earth by a lady who goes by JES. Actually, I don't think
    S & P is being updated anymore, but the archives are a treasure. Oh, I also read The Transformed Wife. Anyway, I still do think blogs have a place, and I prefer them because they are "quieter" than YouTube, Instagram, and other media, if that makes sense. It gives me comfort to know that there are other wives/homeschooling moms out there, who are *choosing* a slower paced life amid all the noise of the world.

    1. Hi, Alyssa! We are two peas in a pod because those are blogs I enjoy, too! I especially like Mrs. Sherman’s videos. Do you listen to those? I’ve learned a lot from her through the years. You explained the difference and the beauty of blogging so nicely, and I completely agree. Thank you so much for the lovely comment. It’s good to hear from you. How’s your homeschooling been this year?
      - Courtney

    2. Hi Courtney,
      I'm so glad you enjoy those blogs, as well! I love Mrs. Sherman's videos, because I can listen and learn from them while doing other tasks. I really like her archived articles, too. Her thoughts on home living reinforce my reasons for choosing to be a homemaker. It's a Christ-centered career and calling, and no job out there in the world is better than this one! Homeschooling this year has been great. I am enjoying 5th grade, as my daughter is pretty independent with her formal schoolwork, but we still do lots of things together.... reading aloud, cooking, crafts, outdoor time, etc. It looks like your homeschool year is going fantastically, and I hope you are staying warm and enjoying the beauty of the winter season. I have to admit...when I think it is cold here like today (rainy and chilly in central California), I know our temps are *nothing* compared to winters where it snows! I suppose it's all relative to what we are used to!


I love receiving your kind comments! They make blogging much more fun when I can interact with friends!