I was so touched by all of you who reached out to me during the writing and publishing of my last few posts.
Some of you commented here on the blog. Some on the links I posted on Facebook. Some of you sent me text messages and private messages. And a few of you called me:)
As I was reading what all of you were sending me, I was prepared to get a few sour grapes in there. I expected one or two negative comments. I figured that was part of the territory.
I didn't receive A SINGLE negative comment! Not one! Everything all of you sent to me was uplifting and encouraging!
Thank you!!!
I feel so lucky to have so many wonderful people in my life!!!
Some of you had some questions for me, however. I'll do my best to give quick answers to those:
My brother passed away when he was 16. My other brother, who was in college at the time, was home on spring break. When he died, my parents, and my brother and I were all with him at his bedside. Had I moved to London, I would have missed being there.
Yes, I knew Micah for years before we started dating. His family moved to town and struck up a friendship with my family when I was a child. I've known and loved his family for many years.
Lastly, a few of you had remembered that Micah and I broke up for a short while. Yes, that's true. I broke up with him several months after we began dating but he just couldn't handle it and he chased me down and we got back together! That may or may not be what he'd tell you if you were to ask him, but that's my story and I'm stickin' to it!!! ...(wink.)
I plan to get back to blogging about homeliving.
About baking and decorating....
And all of the other wonderful things that make up a life at home, and make it worth living.
As Titus 2:5 tells us, we are to be busy at HOME.
Thank you for reading my blog and for your kindness to me!
I wish I could hug each and every one of you!
See you back here real soon!
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I love receiving your kind comments! They make blogging much more fun when I can interact with friends!