"My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest." - Isaiah 32:18

Saturday, February 20, 2016

How I Got Here (Part one)

A reader and friend of mine suggested I write a post about my "love story", as she put it. The idea bounced around in my head for a while. I was unsure that I could come up with a post like that... Unsure of how personal I wanted to get... Unsure my readers would be interested in it....

I've had so many ideas for this blog. So many things I want to share and record and talk about, but composing a post on my personal love story never once crossed my mind.

"I don't think I can do it.... The blog really isn't about that...." 

I pondered some more....

"But if it weren't for my 'love story' I wouldn't be where I am today. I wouldn't be a mother and homeowner blogging about home living..."

Honestly, I had other plans for my life. A completely different path I was heading down.


This is how I got here.....



Years ago I had a career, I lived alone, and I was carving out a life for myself that I loved. I worked as a hairstylist for a Graham Webb salon in town. At the height of my career I was offered an opportunity. I was to travel to England to train with Mr. Webb and his team at his London Academy.

The invitation was open to all stylists in all Graham Webb salons all over the world. I was the only stylist from my salon who went. At the very young age of only twenty-two, I found myself here...


When I was at Academy, I wanted to learn. I took pictures, I took notes, I watched my trainer, and I was open to every new thing...

I was soaking it all in...

I was falling in love with the company and the city.

When I wasn't at Academy, I was downtown seeing plays like Mama Mia, taking the Chunnel over to Paris, and riding in a boat down the Thames River. Up in the top corner you can see the edge of the London Bridge. I'm the second to last in this row of hairstylists from all over the world. We'd hang out together when we weren't at Academy.

One day, Graham Webb picked us up in a bus he had rented, and took us to the ocean. That's him on the left, our trainer next to him, two stylists from Chicago, and me on the end. The Atlantic Ocean is behind us. 

I remember standing on the edge of this cliff, looking out upon the vastness, and trying to wrap my head around, this does not end until New York.....

I was so far away from home, so far away from everyone and everything I knew, when a gentleman by the name of John, who was high up in the company, offered me a job.

When my time in London was completed, I headed back to the States, my head swirling with possibility.

"I will return to London, I'll get a flat... I'll work there, I'll live there..."

But upon my return home I discovered that my family was struggling. My 16-year old brother was dying....

I needed to be there for my family, but John would call me, needing to know an answer. I knew if I waited too long the job would be given to someone else and I'd miss my chance.

I'll get back to London... Someday... I just need to be home right now....

I flew in on a Monday all those years ago, and on the very next Sunday a young man approached me as I was leaving church and asked me for a date. It really caught me off guard and I was speechless for the first few seconds. Dashing through my head were thoughts like, "But I'm not here to date. I'm only home for a short while, then I'm moving away.... But maybe just one date before I leave would be fun.... Is he even talking to me?! I can't believe he's talking to me!!!


I was sure I'd make it back to London. 

It's now been over a decade and I've never been back. 


"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord." Is 55:8 

God was calling me out of my plan and into His...

"I have summoned you by name; you are mine." Is 43:1

Had I forgotten that my life was not my own, but God's?

"Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing!" Is 43:18-19

A new thing indeed was about to start. I was about to discover that I had the chance to put away the script I had written for my life, and embrace the one God was writing. But it would mean letting go of what I thought I wanted.

Choices were needing to be made, and my future was waiting...

To be continued.....


  1. This is like one of those love stories you see in the movies. I AM HOOKED!!! Can't wait for part 2. 😊

  2. I'm so glad you're telling part of your story! I didn't know all those things about you. I'm looking forward to reading more, too! :-)

    1. Thanks, Renee! It's a little out of my comfort zone but I feel the Lord telling me to do it. :):):)

  3. Beautiful Courtney! So very interesting. Seeing a pic of Daniel made me cry! I loved that boy!

    1. Oh I know you did, Karen!!! :) What a blessing you were!


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