"My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest." - Isaiah 32:18

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

A New Year And A Wonderful Winter

Here we are in a New Year!

Isn't it wonderful, friends?!

The Christmas clutter has been cleared from my home, and things are looking back to normal.

Are you ready to put 2016 in the past and embrace the future? 

The bible talks about this in Philippians 3:13-14, "... Forgetting what lies behind, I press forward to the mark of the high calling of Christ Jesus."

Girlfriends, we have a high calling! 

We are wives and mothers!

"By loving the family God has given you, you are making an impact not only on this generation but also on the one after and the one after that. As a homemaker, your work has eternal consequences."
-Lynn Bowen Walker

So, this winter I plan to do what I do every winter...

Enjoy my home and family!

We will read from my collection of beautiful, antique books...

(I thought it'd be a fun change to have the pictures in this post be from some of my favorite, old books!)

We will play in the snow...

We will sprinkle seeds and berries in the backyard for our birds...

(I feel so sorry for them in the winter. But at least they have each other!) 

This is a group of female finches out my kitchen window. It appears as though they have left the men at home and are out for a girls' lunch...

We will bake...

And drink hot things...

Aren't these pictures so adorable?!

I'm telling ya! You should pick up an antique book the next time you're out junking with a girlfriend!

Their bright, colorful pages are so uplifting during bleak winter days.

I plan to take my daughter to ballet class...

Set beautiful tables for cozy dinners...

And snuggle the baby by the fire...

Yes, I'm looking forward to a wonderful winter!

"Be interested and interesting. Focus on living a rich, stimulating life, and enjoy your life with your children." - Sue Patterson

Of course we can't talk about beginning a New Year and settling into winter without talking about resolutions!

Do you have any?

We heard a great message about New Year's resolutions this past Sunday at church.

One statement that stood out to me was this:

(I'm paraphrasing here, I don't have the exact quote...)

"You may already have good habits, and be doing the things you wish to carry into the New Year. If that's so, then your resolution could simply be to strengthen them."

I feel like I can relate to that!

For example, I get up and have my quiet time in scripture with coffee each morning. But over the past few months I've noticed that I've been going to bed late, and waking up late, so my quiet time is rushed.

I wish to change that!

Instead of going to bed at 11:30 and getting up at 7:00 or sometimes even 7:30, I'd like to start going to bed at 10:00 or 10:30, and set my alarm for 6:00 or 6:30.

So, my New Year's resolution is to go to bed earlier and wake up earlier...

When I was a kid I would hear adults complain about winter weather and I would think, "Maybe they don't know that there are books and hot chocolate." Haha...

Now that I'm an adult, I still can't understand what is so depressing about winter!

God has given us all seasons to enjoy!

Every day of the year is a gift!

"The true secret of happiness lies in taking a genuine interest in all the details of daily life."
- William Morris 

(And I would of course add to that, knowing you are in God's will for your life!)

If you are a wife and mother and are home, pouring your time and talents into your family... You are in God's will for your life!

What a beautiful place to be!

Let's take joy in these small, happy moments... and let's have a wonderful winter!!!


~ Courtney ~

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