"My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest." - Isaiah 32:18

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Getting Ready For Wednesday Nights

I have sneaked away with my computer to jot down some notes on getting ready to leave the house with kids...

Every Wednesday night we attend church for classes and choir practice. It is non-negotiable in our schedule. Every week we're there. Over the years I have learned some things on how to get over to church smoothly and on time after a full day of homeschool and housework.

Other aspects of our Wednesday routine that are just as important include how to arrive looking somewhat tidy and put-together. (Emphasis on the somewhat! Haha...)

So, I thought I'd do a post about it.

This is a photo of myself with my daughters a few Wednesday night's ago right before we headed out:

Some obstacles to Wednesday night's that can make it tricky for us include:

- We live 30 minutes away.

- Micah almost always has to meet us there because of his work schedule, so I don't have help getting the kids ready and loaded up.

- We shoot to leave at 5:45, so dinner can be problematic.


I really, really hate it when I get into the car to go to church and I feel stressed and rushed. I've noticed that when that happens, it's because I have failed to plan and prepare properly. So, this post will be about some of my thoughts on what can be done on Wednesday's to make it run as smoothly as possible.

1. I do not plan out-of-the house activities on Wednesday's. 

Sometimes I like to get into town early to run an errand or something first, and I'll time it out so that when the errand is complete, we can head straight over to church. That always seems like such a good idea in theory, but I almost always end up getting to church feeling frazzled. (Four little kids in tow on an errand has the potential to break down even the veteran mama's.) So, I know not to schedule play-dates or activities on Wednesday's because of this.

(Wednesday night's should be revered and respected as almost as important as a Sunday morning. Not quite, I understand, but we're still entering into the house of the Lord. We're still fellowshipping with God's people, and we're still opening His word for study and refreshment. This is not the time to be dressed like, or have the attitude like we're just taking the kids over to a park or to Walmart. Our standards should be a touch higher than that.)

2. I plan outfits and lay things out early in the day.

Like I mentioned above, planning ahead is essential. I pick out what we'll all be wearing and set it out in our rooms in a way that will make getting ready easy:

Except for the 2-year old, I can send everyone upstairs with the instructions to get dressed for church and I don't have to worry about someone coming down in something inappropriate.

I do this early in the day!

3. In the winter, I also lay out coats and hats.

Anything that can be done ahead of time, I try to do!

We all need our bibles for our classes so it's nice when I remember to set those out as well:

I don't always remember to do this, and there have been plenty of times when we arrive at church and someone's missing their bible. But to make things run as smoothly as possible, this is hugely helpful.

(You'll notice in these pictures that I like to "assign" a chair to each kid's belongings.)

Even I have a chair for my coat, scarf, mittens and pre-packed bag. Basically, I do what I can to avoid any last minute scrambles. 

Everything's ready to go:

4. I do not cook on Wednesday's.

I have two reasons for this. First, there really isn't time. We're getting ready to leave during my usual dinner prep time, and are leaving during dinner time. But most importantly, I don't cook on Wednesday's because cooking smells adhere themselves to clothing and hair, and would make us stinky for our classes. 

For these two reasons, I feed us quick, simple, non-smelly suppers like peanut butter sandwiches, instant oatmeal, or hot dogs:

I feed my children before I send them off to get dressed because of the commonly known law of parenting that goes like this: If you dress your children to go somewhere and then feed them a meal... they will spill said meal all over their clean clothing. (*eye roll)

The last thing I want to mention is that I've learned the trick of counting backwards. What I mean is, I think about what time we have to be somewhere, then calculate what time we have to be ready to go, then determine if the children need to be fed first and how much time I'll need for that, and on and on... I keep counting backwards in my head until I settle on the time in which I need to begin the whole process.

How I decide the order in which to do things depends on each tasks ability to hold their value. Which is why I ask myself, "Can this be done ahead of time?" The tasks that do not deteriorate get done first. (Like packing bags and setting out clothes.) The tasks that do deteriorate get done as close to the end as possible. (Like eating, and styling my and my daughter's hair.)

The final hour before we leave is commonly referred to in our house as "hurricane hour". Anyone who has ever been responsible for getting multiple children dressed and out the door for something, knows exactly what I mean! This is the time where all things come to head. (I've been known to ignore phone calls and fly around the house barking orders like a lunatic during "hurricane hour".) This is the time where if a disaster has been brewing, it'll finally all explode. OR, if I've done well with my prep work, things will come together. 

And that's what I want! That's why I do this!

You may be thinking, "She really needs to calm down!" (I know this because I hear it from Micah.) However to that I say, "Yes, But! I'm almost never late to anything! And I have all my kids with me!"

Well friends, I have no idea if these thoughts will help any of you. I enjoy learning how other mama's "do life", so I figured a post like this couldn't hurt.

Thanks for stopping by my blog today!

Feel free to drop by comments and say, "Hi".

I love hearing from you!

Until next time,


~ Courtney ~

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