"My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest." - Isaiah 32:18

Monday, April 8, 2024

A Beautiful, Hearty Stew

The moment I learned that the author of a blog I follow had published a cookbook, I ordered two right away. One to keep, and one for a friend.

I perused through it a few times and found the recipe I wanted to attempt first.

It starts out very familiar - sauté carrots, celery, and onion in oil and butter. So I felt it was doable and wanted to give it a try.

It then becomes a very nutritious stew with chicken, beans and rice.

The author writes that she adds basil and bay leaves from her garden.

It made me long for my summer garden again.

I've planted a few small rows of simple vegetables in the past, such as lettuce, peas, and tomatoes.

I love stepping out into my garden on a warm afternoon to snip what I need to complete a salad or meal.

Nostalgically I was thinking of this, as I prepared a colorful salad to go with our stew.

The cherry tomatoes I was slicing up were cold and firm from the fridge, but the tomatoes I pluck out of my garden each summer are warm and surprisingly sweet.

Yes, it will be nice to have a garden again.

We enjoyed this hearty, nutritious meal tonight with homemade cornbread on the side.

In the cookbook, the author makes the eye-opening point that mothers can view their work in the kitchen as a ministry.

How inspiring!

Not only are we feeding their tummies, but feeding also their love and loyalty for home and family.

How can cooking become drudgery with an outlook like that!

I've always been fond of creating beautiful meals for my family, but I appreciate a renewed sense of purpose on the matter.


~ Courtney 

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