"My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest." - Isaiah 32:18

Monday, April 1, 2024

Highlights from Washington D.C.

I love it when the first of a month falls on a Monday.

It really feels like the start of a new chapter.

We are still warm and fuzzy from our Easter festivities yesterday.

 This line from The Good Master by Kate Seredy nicely describes a special family Easter...

"Mother invited them to eat anything they liked. Visitors came and left; the kitchen was always full of people and laughter. She liked the verses they spoke, she liked the boundless hospitality, she liked ever so much to be there and enjoy it all!"

March was a busy month for our family.

On the flight home from D.C. I jotted down the places we visited and the sights we saw on a scrap piece of paper from the bottom of my purse. I didn't want to forget all that we did together.

In a way, that's how I've viewed this blog... A place to "park" pictures and stories so we don't forget all we've been through as a family.

Here are some of the highlights from our trip...

Day 1. Capitol/ Library of Congress/ Holocaust Museum 

Day 2. Smithsonian Museum/ Prince Caspian show

Day 3. Archives/ White House

After waiting in a long line, I am finally ready to view the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights. 

It was surreal to see these three original documents in person.

Day 4. Capitol Hill Baptist Church/ Washington Monument

Day 5. War Memorials/ Lincoln/ Arlington Cemetery 

Witnessing the very somber, very elaborate changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Solider was one of my favorite parts of the whole trip.

I will write more about that in another post...

(Remember, I'm still experimenting with shorter, more frequent posts on this blog. I need to do better recording for my family!)

"At the Lord's command, Moses recorded the stages in their journey." Numbers 33:2


~ Courtney 

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