"My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest." - Isaiah 32:18

Sunday, April 18, 2021

A Few Thoughts on Homeschooling

 I didn't mean to let a whole month slip by between blog posts.

I will sometimes fall into a dormant stage with my writing.

That is normal for me.

It isn't really writer's block, but more that I become so engrossed with the happenings of everyday life, that my blog is neglected.

But then I remember that I have this blog as sort of a ministry. I like to use it to shed a positive light on homeschooling and homemaking, and to set an example on how to be "busy at home" as Titus 2 teaches.

(Painting daffodils 🌼)

I've been slowly working my way through Charlotte Mason's, Home Education, and after she quotes an excerpt from Susanna Wesley on how she taught her children to read, Miss Mason writes, "It is much to be wished that thoughtful mothers would more often keep account of the methods they employ with their children, with some definite note of the success of this or that plan."

And then I remember the second purpose for this blog, and that is to "keep account." 

So, now that we are wrapping up our homeschool year, I want to share a few thoughts for anyone considering homeschooling...

First, I would recommend that you purchase a copy of Charlotte Mason's, Home Education.

She is a legend, as most homeschool mothers know, and far ahead of her time.

Of course, you will need to apply your own good judgment when reading. This isn't the Bible, so you won't see eye to eye with her on everything. But overall she is extremely wise. Her writings and beliefs have greatly helped me in my homeschool journey.

She is famous for her teachings on a living education, and says in her book, "Education is a life and a discipline. Health, strength, agility, bright eyes, and alert movements, come of a free life."

Remember, homeschooling doesn't mean you have to miss out on anything. Homeschooling is all about being a student of the life God has given you at home with your family.

(a cozy breakfast  🍳)

Second, as I ponder what has been a success in our homeschooling, staying faithful to the curriculum has been key.

I've been using Abeka exclusively for six years now.

There are benefits to sticking with a curriculum. The main one being that you will develop a fondness and a familiarity with it.

You will get to know its methods and concepts so well that your confidence will grow with each child.

I used to lean so heavily on the teachers' manuals when Roman was younger, but I have found that now I rarely pull them out for the younger children's work.

I have become so familiar with how Abeka wants certain concepts taught, and the order in which to teach them, that I comfortably go through the lessons out of my own understanding. 

Yes, familiarity has given me confidence.

(Poor Roman is always the guinea pig, being the first born. He and I learn together. But I am thankful that he loves to pass down his knowledge...)

Speaking of Roman brings me to my third thought... 

This was our first year trying Abeka's accredited video course for Roman.

Once we got the hang of it, we loved it!

Roman really enjoys watching Abeka's teachers, they are so pleasant and professional. Yet it was very challenging as well. (In a good way. 😊)

Up to this point we've always just done Abeka as independent study at the elementary level.

But we felt we needed to raise the bar for Roman going up into middle school this year.

I'm so glad we did!

I can see this becoming our schooling system: Independent Abeka for the elementary grades, accredited video courses for middle school and high school.

Remember that Froebel said, "Play is the highest expression of human development in childhood." Which is why I don't like anything too rigorous or stressful in the younger years. 

Lessons should be bright and enjoyable, with the rest of the day open for the child's own passions and pursuits.

As a final (and perhaps unrelated) note, those of you who have been reading my blog for some time now may remember that I've found an illustrator for my children's book. She has submitted a few illustrations and I am over the moon thrilled with them!

Would you like to see one?

Isn't it adorable?! 😍 She is so talented and I feel so lucky to have found her!

The little blonde is Tillie, the main character. Elsa was my inspiration for her character, and I'm so happy that Tillie turned out looking a lot like her!


Thinking about my little book coming to life through these colorful illustrations gives me all the warm fuzzies.

I will keep you posted on how it's coming along.

But in the meantime, thanks for reading, friends.

I hope to not let another month go by before writing here again.



~ Courtney