"My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest." - Isaiah 32:18

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Opening My Home

 We have found ourselves in a season of ministry at the moment.

I understand that for the homemaker, every ordinary day in her home is a ministry. But we have the unique privilege of hosting out of state missionaries for the time being.

I want our family to be able to say, as Job did, "My door was always open to the traveler." (Job 31:32)

It has been nothing but sheer delight.

What a fun honor it's been to provide a safe haven for these two ladies in my home.

My job is to make sure they are comfortable, loved, and well-fed. They work hard each day preparing and teaching lessons, and ministering at church in other various ways, that when they come home I want them to feel they can relax, rest, and just be.

I prepared Elsa's room for them to share while they're here...

(Elsa didn't mind giving up her room. She has been sleeping in bed with me, and it's going just fine. She is a very still and quiet sleeper. I don't even know she's next to me most of the time.)


It can be overwhelming in the days leading up to guests' arrival. But I did my best to prioritize and not worry about the rest. For example, the priority for me was making sure they had extremely clean bedding.

I spent two days washing literally everything, right down the the pillows themselves and the mattress covers.

I washed the sheets and blankets in yummy smelling detergent, with a few drops of bleach, so everything would seem very fresh to them.

I also had fun assembling welcome baskets to greet them on their first night with us.

I filled the baskets with cozy, useful items like soft slippers, body lotion, chocolate, a journal, etc...

I've learned that traveling missionaries are great at settling right in and making themselves at home. They are used to a "life on the road." The adjustment is on the host's part. 

I had a little anxiety at the very beginning - just fear of the unknown. But we have now settled nicely into a routine, which has helped me relax very much.

The key is to pay close attention to their likes and needs within the first 24 hours (like how much they eat, what time they wake up, and their bathroom routines for example) so that the host can alter her family and her routine to cater to them.

They have been so sweet and appreciative of everything I've done for them, that it's been a blessing to serve them in these ways.

Booker T. Washington inspired me in his autobiography when he wrote, "In my contact with people I find that, as a rule, it is only the little, narrow people who live for themselves, who never read good books, who do not travel, who never open up their souls in a way to permit them to come into contact with other souls- the great outside world. I have found that the happiest people are those who do the most for others; the most miserable are those who do the least."

For me, if I open my home to you I have opened myself to you, because my home is an extension of my heart. I would be happy to do anything for these girls while they're here with me, and I've made sure to tell them that several times. 

My goal is to serve them and provide for their needs, but I also have another goal in mind, and that is to be a good example to them. They are young adults just starting out in a world that bombards them with messages like, chase your dreams, pursue higher education, and nothing is more important than a career.

Without ever actually saying a word to them about any of these things, I just simply wish to show them, through my actions and my homelife, a good example of a mother who is content and of a homeschool family who is doing well.

Who knows how far that could go? 

"Then they can train the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home...." (Titus 2:4-5)

"Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven." (Matthew 5:16)

Keep me in your prayers, as I continue in my effort to provide for my guests as lavishly and joyfully as possible. And as I always say on my blog, to cast a positive light onto homemaking.


~ Courtney 

Saturday, May 14, 2022

Enchant the Ordinary

 It always feels so luxurious to open a fresh page in Blogger and begin to write something new.

In my dream life I would have a standing appointment with my computer each day.

I would sit down with a cup of steaming hot coffee, and a head swimming with ideas, to write something beautiful and reflective.

Not that I feel any need for attention or followers, but just for the fun of taking the various thoughts that bounce around in my mind and see what I can create with them.

But ever since I've had this blog, I've had to be content with snagging rare moments here and there to write.

My housekeeping and homeschooling duties must always come first.

So blogging is viewed as a treat, and that's always been enough.

"This will be your land with its boundaries on every side." ( Numbers 34:12 )

Christians know how to keep everything in its proper place, and our priorities are often in sharp contrast with the world's.

I have learned to lean in and embrace a lifestyle that is meaningful, yet filled with very mundane, ordinary tasks.

I have no interest in the "have it all" or the "go big or go home" life. I just want a cozy, anonymous life, serving the Lord in the tiny ways that I can.

Like Paul said, "I consider my life worth nothing to me." ( Acts 20:24 )

How do I find the balance between "carrying my cross daily" and a beautiful, purposeful life?

A mindset I've been pondering lately is, Enchant the Ordinary.

I love the way that sounds, don't you?

For me it means, give where I can give, do what I can do, teach where I can teach, grow where I can grow... not looking around at what others are doing. Just doing what matters to me.

(My garden this morning...)

This past school year I had the privilege to teach several courses at church.

I was worried, when I agreed to take the classes, that I might be biting off more than I could chew. But as these classes are ending for the summer, and I reflect back over the year, I realize it was all so rewarding and fun! I never felt burdened. I actually enjoyed it all very much!

"Freely you have received, freely give." 

( Matthew 10:8 )

We also enjoyed a very successful and peaceful homeschool year, as well. 

Roman and Nola are both done with their studies for the year, and Elsa and Soren will officially finish this week.

With all my "students" at home and at church completing their courses with me, I've decided I will put myself through a few courses. 

Why not? 

There's always room for betterment, and I should always be open to grow.

I ordered these books to get me started...

Both of these authors are from blogs I read and love.

These ladies are quite different from each other, (and quite different from me!) but have useful ideas to share with the world.

Because I felt I needed a fresh perspective on my wardrobe, I began with The Chic Closet.

She has little writing assignments at the end of each chapter that have been eye-opening and really fun!

One was, "When you are drawn to someone, pick apart just why. Is it their softness? Their strength? The colors they wear? They look like they're having fun with their wardrobe? Just what appeals? Dig down and write out everything you can think of, then look back at your findings."

I have lately become intrigued by a lady lawyer I've seen on TV. Since the inspiration I felt from her was fresh on my mind, I wrote down the vibe she gives off...




High heels

Hot-rolled hair

Simple, expensive jewelry

Clean, bright, natural face

Genuine smile

Warm glow




See? Fun! You should try this assignment.

Reading The Chic Closet is what stimulated me to ask for real pearl stud earrings for Mother's Day...

(Am I too easily persuaded?)

When I am not a student of my self-prescribed courses, I have been deep cleaning around the house, planting my containers, and puttering around in the yard. It's all been very satisfying.

Spring finally arrived after a long, cold winter, but she came in all hot and bothered for some reason. So we've been cooling off down at our pond each afternoon, which has been delightful.

Lazy summer afternoons, we have missed you!


Keeping up with my daily table settings for cheerful family meals has been my go-to way for "enchanting the ordinary" over the years.

It's so easy to do, yet can infuse the home with a stable, loving vibe.

This one is set with root beer as a special treat.

I also made lemon bars to match the forthysia that had just bloomed. My first yard clipping of the year!

The lilacs will be next. Maybe white cupcakes with light purple frosting?


We have some unique opportunities in the coming weeks.

I will be busy getting ready for those.

When the dust settles I'd like to share more about it here on the blog.

As for today, I just had a few ideas bopping around, so I just sat and wrote for fun.

And it was fun. I should do it more often.

The ongoing goal for this blog is to shine a positive light on homeliving and record our family stories.

"At the Lord's command Moses recorded the stages in their journey."

( Numbers 33:2 )

Thanks for reading.

I look forward to being back here soon.

In the meantime, maybe you can look for ways to Enchant the Ordinary, too?


~ Courtney