"My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest." - Isaiah 32:18

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Keeping Busy This Winter

 I'm still energized from a late night "out on the town" last night.

Roman and I went to see Les Miserables at a local theater with friends.

The teenagers sat together, and we mamas sat in the row behind them.

It was a little... ahem... expressive in spots. When the house lights came on at intermission we looked at each other, wide-eyed, and one mama said, "Racy!" Another said, "Do you think the kids caught on to any of that?" We all reassured each other that we were certain any suggestive implication went right over their heads. *wink 

I was nervous beforehand about how my hip would do, but was thrilled when the night was over and I realized I was comfortable the entire evening.

Getting back into these normal, pre-surgery activities comfortably is a huge relief for me!

It was a great night and a great show!

Back at home today we were too entranced with the bright sunshine and warmer air to be cooped up inside. So we finished our schoolwork quickly and drove down to our lovely, nearby park.

I've been wondering lately about the little stream that flows at the park. I hadn't been down there since last fall.

With this milder than normal winter, was it thawed and flowing? Was the water level low due to the small amount of snow we've received this season? Would there still be ice chunks and stagnant water in places?

We decided today was a good day to found out.


I was looking forward to a peaceful amble along the water. As much as I am attached to my route on our own trails, sometimes I crave a change of scenery.

I was curious if the smell of earth could be detected in the air. You know, that glorious early spring smell of earth that smells like fresh, clean soil? I also wanted to listen to the birds. Unfortunately, the birdsong at the park was faint, and there was no fragrance. That was wishful thinking on my part. It is still technically winter. 

But on days like this the hope of spring can be sensed in the air, so I am grateful for that.

This past weekend was quite different - very windy and cold. Nola told me she was bored. She had used up her allotted "screen time," and the beads for a project she was working on had run out. I thought about the activities I busied myself with as a child on boring winter afternoons. I told both my girls that sometimes for fun I would look through my mother's magazines for a beautiful and inspiring photo,  then try to recreate it on a separate piece of paper. 

If my mother was throwing away old, used magazines, I would also like to sit by the fire with a scissors and cut out images to use later for various crafts. 

This seemed to appease them for a while. Elsa looked through an old magazine of mine; animals being the chosen theme. She tore a few pages out, then attempted to draw them all on a piece of sketch paper to make a zoo.

One thing led to another, as things like this tend to do, and the next thing we knew we were at Hobby Lobby looking at craft and art materials to keep the girls occupied for the rest of winter.

Thankfully, places like Hobby Lobby are inexpensive enough that the girls could each pick something out.

One selected a paint by numbers kit. The other a How-to-Draw notebook. A bracelet making kit was 50% off so we grabbed one of those, too, for them to share.

It's nice to have supplies on hand for down time in the winter months. They've been happily busy with these quiet, creative pursuits, and I'm happy they have something productive to turn to instead of screens.


~ Courtney 

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Cupid is Coming and a Nature Walk


I walked all the way to my swing for the first time since surgery!

We've been experiencing unseasonably mild temperatures lately and lost our snow, leaving a drab landscape. But the bright blue skies and warmer weather have been a delight!

My physical therapist recently gave me the green light to begin walking on my trails again, as long as I'm careful.

He advised me to not worry about walking fast or walking for too long, but to focus on walking well, going just a little farther each time.

Which is how I ended up comfortably at my swing.

Micah came with me to help me watch out for divots that might make me trip, and also to keep me company.

I have my range of motion back, and most of my strength has returned. The focus now is returning to my natural gait as I walk. It's important to me that I don't develop a limp as I heal, so with the help of PT and family members, (who will point out if I'm walking with a hitch) my current state in recovery is forcing myself to walk straight, balanced, and well. 

We went through the meadow on our way back to the house.

And while we're on the topic of walking, I'd like to provide updated information on something I recommended in a previous post... The virtual walking I watch on YouTube is a channel called Out and About Walking. 

I had just mentioned one of the episodes, but there are many to watch. I find them so uplifting and relaxing. 


But the current project around here is preparing for our family's traditional Red Dinner in honor of St. Valentine.

Elsa helped me set the table, and Nola is making sugar heart cookies.

On the menu for our romantic dinner for six: 

Fresh salad with bright red tomato slices
Garlic toast
Fruit salad
Nola's cookies
Red fruit punch

The house cat fulfilling his duty as the family's gargoyle. 

(Or maybe he's just watching me hang a string of heart garland.) 

Either way, he amuses me.


"The greatest thing you'll ever learn is how to love and be loved in return."

Cupid is coming! I'm off to get ready....



~ Courtney 

Friday, February 9, 2024

Homeschooling in Hard Times

 Some have asked me how homeschooling has been during my recovery.

Of course, I started the school year as any homeschool mother does - with hope, a strong plan, and no thought of surgery on the horizon. 

But when recovery became difficult, I had to let good enough be good enough.

Years ago, when I first embarked on the homeschooling journey, I asked God to push me aside, to dwell in our home daily, and do a work in our family. I seemed to know I'd mess everything up if done in my own strength.

"He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it." Philippians 1:6

With my measly efforts out of the way, I couldn't do much to hinder my children this school year. God has always been in control.

"In Your unfailing love You will lead the people You have redeemed. In Your strength You will guide them."  Exodus 15:13

With that being said, I still realize my role in it, aiming for excellence and faithfulness to the curriculum each day.

"Live a life worthy of the calling you have received." Ephesians 4:1

So when I had to back off to focus on recovery, I accepted offers from extended family to help keep the academic ball rolling, and trusted my children to step up.

I certainly felt as though we were hanging on by a thread some days, but now looking back I see that it was always more than good enough.

I am back in the saddle again, and am thankful to realize, as I sit with my children each day to guide them in their studies, that they are not behind. They were trucking right along throughout my recovery.

(Although, the homeschooling lifestyle does teach you that there's no such thing as ahead or behind.)

God knew last fall that I'd be getting this surgery, throwing a wrench in my well-crafted school plans for a short time. So I trust we are right where we are supposed to be.

I suspect, as rough as my recovery was some days, that it wasn't actually a hard time after all.

Just a brief season where God was doing something different than what we're used to.

" 'For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,' declares the Lord." Isaiah 55:8


~ Courtney 

Please note: To keep the creative juices flowing, and to keep journaling a record for my family, I will be experimenting with shorter, more frequent posts on this blog.

Saturday, February 3, 2024

Getting Back to Normal Routines

 It's a beautiful, sunny Saturday afternoon here, and I just sat down for a "calculated rest." 

That's a term I just learned from my physical therapist recently, and I'm getting a lot of milage out of it. 


He doesn't want me on my feet being too active just yet. Although I've been given the green light to slowly work back into my household routine.

My chores are getting easier, and I can feel my strength returning.

I am now 9 weeks post-op from my hip surgery and am doing quite well, as long as I'm careful.

I spent the morning doing some light housework, like catching up on laundry and watering houseplants. As I moved throughout the house with my watering can, I was struck by the look of disrepair in my front room.

At the start of each winter it always seems like a good idea to cover the couch with my electric blanket so it's ready to go for early morning Bible readings, afternoon rests, and for watching PBS specials in the evenings. 

It is cozy, but I'm tired of how messy it looks.

We're experiencing mild temperatures at the moment anyway. So I decided to put it away and tidy up.

I am so thankful I am physically able to do a task like this! Just as recent as a few weeks ago I wouldn't have attempted it.

It did open a small can of worms, however, and I found myself pleasantly distracted looking through some books.

I forgot I had a picture book of early American architecture...

And a book on William Morris' designs...

(Some of these "vintage" looks are coming back into fashion, you know, and I am here for it!)

After some dusting and straightening up, order to my front room has been restored.

Earlier this week I went for a short walk on the trails. A daily habit I had to give up since surgery, and I really missed it! I can't wait to build up the endurance to get back to my pre-surgery route.

For my first time back, I only walked through the orchard and to this spot behind the barn. 

I stood for a few minutes to listen to the birds, breathe the fresh air, and feel the sun on my face before turning back for home.

When I can't get out to walk, I enjoy taking a virtual walk by watching An Ethereal Morning Walk in a Dreamlike Cotswold Village on YouTube.

This always makes me want to move to England. It is just so charming and storybook-like.

Some wholesome soul... some hero of humanity decided to take it upon himself to video record the most pleasant walk.

He shows you all the enchanting cottages and gardens, takes you past the church, and even down into a little ravine with a stream of water.

I prop my phone up to watch as I go about my morning routine of getting dressed and making my bed. 

                 It's medicinal, I tell ya!

  Hoping you can enjoy some calculated rest this weekend.

              ~ Courtney