"My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest." - Isaiah 32:18

Friday, July 22, 2022

LEAD 2022

 There have been some questions as to just what kind of experience LEAD camp was for Roman this summer.

Wisconsin Family Council offered its second annual camp for equipping teens to become effective godly leaders, and Roman made the cut to attend.

WFC believes that a key element in restoring our society is raising up Christians of godly character who know how to be leaders in their families, churches and communities.

The vision is to train the next generation on how to engage our culture from a Biblical worldview. And as we all know, we NEED Christians in politics!

We were thrilled to be able to send Roman down to Madison for a week to receive this training and to "rub shoulders" with other godly teens who want to make a difference.

"As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another." -Proverbs 27:17

The kids were divided into caucuses and given bills to research and write.

Then they held mock legislative sessions at our beautiful state capitol in the assembly chamber.

Our family traveled down to Madison (roughly a two hour drive for us) on the last day of camp to view the sessions from the gallery.

What we saw impressed us greatly.

Well-spoken and sharply dressed teens from all over our state presenting and opposing bills, debating professionally, then rising to vote "yea" or "nay."

WFC could not have given these teens a more authentic experience.

We learned that the majority of the participants were homeschoolers, so Roman was in good company.

Micah and I had the privilege of meeting and visiting with some of the parents while we were in the capitol, and we quickly discovered that these were extremely solid, conservative families.

I commented to Roman on our drive home that evening, "It looks to me like God is raising up an army. You homeschoolers are going to take over the world!"

He laughed, but agreed.

It might take a generation or two, but if it's God's will, and if other states adopt the LEAD program, we may just be able to take this country back for the Lord. 

But if not, we Christians are okay with that, too. Because we know the Lord has a plan for both the righteous and the evil.

"The Lord works out everything for His own purpose, even the wicked for a day of disaster." -Proverbs 16:4

This camp was such an elite group of people and such a unique experience that Roman is already making plans to go again next summer.

First year campers are placed on the representative track, whereas second year campers are placed on the senate track. So Roman's experience next year will be slightly different.

Julaine Appling, president of Wisconsin Family Council, told parents that they plan to keep adding tracks as the years progress, so that a teen can attend each year from age thirteen to eighteen and never repeat a track. 

This year they added a media track. Next year they plan to add a judicial track.

Roman told us that his time in Madison helped him better understand the whole process of how bills are written, debated or amended, and eventually voted on... essentially, the process of how a bill becomes a law.

(And to think, all I had growing up was the Schoolhouse Rock song. 😂)

Attention to detail was obvious throughout this camp, right down to signed certificates -


To LEARN to live out your faith in the real world.

To be EMPOWERED to fulfill God's purpose for your life.

To ACT like a leader.

To DISCOVER and unlock your God-given potential.

To "always be prepared to give a defense." -1 Peter 3:15

There were speakers and devotions each day, armed security keeping everyone safe, and a team of people praying over the campers all week long.

Can you tell I was impressed with this camp?

We feel very fortunate that Roman got to experience it.

~ Courtney 

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