"My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest." - Isaiah 32:18

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Music in the Home

Since this is a blog on home living, I feel like it's appropriate to create posts that are about making the most out of our time at home.

An older, wiser woman in my life once told me to think about the five senses when homemaking.

Does home feel good? 
(Soft rugs and blankets, comfortable temperature, etc...)

Does home look good?
(Beautiful environment.)

Does home taste good?
(Delicious meals and desserts.)

Does home smell good?
(Fresh, clean environment, cookies in the oven, etc...)



And finally, does home sound good?

That's what I want to talk about today.

There's a lot that could be said on the matter. Things like kind words and no yelling would certainly make a home sound good. But I'm thinking about music. I love beautiful music. I especially love beautiful music wafting through the rooms of my home.

I understand that music, since it's an art, is subjective, and everyone has their own preferences. But I thought it'd be fun to share with you some of the music I am listening to in my home right now.


Ever since I was young, I would classify my music according to season. Does anybody else think about music this way? For example, it's winter now, so I listen to my "Winter" music. In the summertime I find myself listening to Jack Johnson and John Mayer, but they're tucked away for the season. In the winter, out comes Norah Jones and Josh Groban. 

I like these. They feel comforting.

If there are any young, (what my husband calls) "millennials" reading this and looking at the picture above... Yes, those are CD's! I have no shame!!! Before you leave me comments telling me that there are new and better ways to listen to music, just know that I really do have Pandora on my phone and IPad! Cross my heart! And furthermore, please don't tell me any of the above names are outdated and not making music anymore! My 90's heart can't take it!!!

Moving on.... Ahem...

Some of my most favorite "Winter" music is George Winston.

I listen to these a lot! It's all beautiful piano solos. When the kids and I have our "quiet hour" every afternoon, I'll turn this on. It's very peaceful.

Music can do a lot to alter the atmosphere of the home. When soft piano solos are being played in the background, everyone just feels more at peace. 

Sometimes we have Family Dance Parties, and we turn on something we can bust a move to, but other than those times I never play rambunctious or rocky music in the home. We listen to Christian radio stations in the car, and I have no moral issue with that type of music, it's just too chaotic of a sound for us at home. Rock music just doesn't seem worshipful to me. You may disagree, and that's ok, (we can still be friends! :):)

When I'm in the mood for something worshipful, I would always prefer something more like this:

This is Twila Paris and my friend, Ginger. Again, what I consider "cold weather" music. These albums are a nice mix of contemporary with some hymns. I like music like this in the mornings while I'm making breakfast and the kids and I are trying to get motivated for the day. 

For something uplifting and fun that has a real homey feel, I listen to Smoky Mountain:

I love these! I have both volumes from their "Hymns" collection. I live out in the country and sometimes I just get in the mood for this sound. Mandolin, Banjo, Fiddle, Guitar... makes me feel like putting on a cute apron and baking a pie!!! 

These are purely instrumental, and filled with good, old-fashioned hymns like, Blessed Assurance, Lily Of The Valley, The Old Rugged Cross, There Is Power In The Blood.... etc, etc... This is medicine for your heart!!!

Lastly, a post on my music could never be complete without some wonderful nostalgia!

I absolutely adore these Supper Club CD's because it's a mix of Ella Fitzgerald, Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Louis Armstrong, Billie Holiday... I could go on.... This is year round music! I never put these away! When I play this music, I feel like I'm transported back to an era when mama's were always home, their jobs were respected, families stayed together, things were simple, and homes were happy!

I sure want my home to be happy! That's why I play a variety of comforting, positive, fun, and relaxing music. These are the background sounds in our home. I never have the T.V. on for myself or use it for News or background noise. When our T.V. is on it's PBS or a Disney movie for the kids, otherwise, it's music!  I'm certainly not saying that this is the only right way. I'm just sharing with you what I do.

I keep a little CD player on my kitchen counter with all of the above CD's.


Looking at this picture makes me feel old and outdated, but the truth is... I don't care! I love it this way! With Pandora you never know what you're going to get, and although that can sometimes be fun, I like the music that has been with me for years and years. Some of this music, like the Twila Paris CD and one of the George Winston CD's, I had and would listen to back when I was a teenager. The Smoky Mountain CD's remind me of a Smoky Mountain cassette tape my mom used to play in the home I grew up in. 

So...what about you? If you read my blog then I would assume you have an interest in homemaking and homelife. What do you listen to in your home? What sounds fill your days? (Please tell me there's another mama out there somewhere who still has a CD player with CD's!)

I appreciate you, my dear readers, and pray that your time here on my blog is always uplifting!



  1. What fun! We listen to CDs too! Right now we listen to a lot of memory work from Classical Conversations and the spring musical songs from church. We have a Randy Travis hymns CD we put on as we're getting breakfast ready before church. When it's my turn to pick, I usually pick anything Sara Groves!!!

    1. Oh, yes! I like Sara Groves, too! I forgot to mention the spring musical CD! My kids like to listen to that and dance around! Thanks for your comments! :):)

  2. Great collection of music Courtney! I recently purchased a record player for Dan. Talk about going back in time. Although I like my CDs I have transitioned to Pandora for everyday. It is easy to access from my phone or iPad. I like the baby lullaby and the coffee shop soundtrack stations.

    1. Ooh, coffee shop soundtrack?! I think I'll look that up on my Pandora! I don't have anything like that! I'd love a record player! Very neat! Thanks for your comments!!! :):)


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